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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'Marketing Graphics for Sale' Category

GFX Apocalypse: Huge set of marketing graphics, sale priced #ad

Craig Crawford, JF Garsula and Simon Greenhalgh have put together a package of marketing graphics that would make any small business marketer salivate. TheirGFX Apocalypse package has colorful, professionally-designed graphics of all kinds: • 72 Banner Ad Designs • 156 Business Character Vector Designs • 48 Discount Sticker designs • 30 Facebook Banner Ad Designs • 90 Facebook Timeline Cover Designs That’s enough to give you an idea of what’s included in GFX Apocalypse. There are logos, guarantee stickers, buttons, price tags, and lots more designs. And to... [...]

Powerpoint Templates for Attorney Promotional Videos #ad

Tracey Meagher has developed a set of video templates you can use in your local consultant business to develop professional videos promoting the legal services of attorneys. When an attorney acquires a new client, the potential profit is sizeable. They want the best online marketing to get the most and best clients, and they are willing to pay. In fact, Meagher has charged $1000 for a video she made for a client with less money than most attorneys. Attorneys may find a high-quality video is worth more than $1000. Now, she is making her professionalPowerpoint Templates for Attorney Promotional... [...]

Giant Marketing Kit: software, templates, graphics & more #ad

Maulana Malik has built a a href=””>Giant Marketing Kit, full of tools every online marketer needs, 34 packages of tools, all for one low price. The star of the product might be his new Crysta WordPress theme, crisp and professional, mobile-ready and responsive. But that’s just the beginning. You are also getting: • 9 HTML Minisite templates • 9 squeeze pages • Business mascot graphics to decorate your site • Mascot creator software to create additional mascots yourself • A flyer for offline consultants • and... [...]

WP Quick Pic Studio: 80,000 photos free to use #ad

IM NewsWatch has warned of the dangers of using graphics without proper permission. The risks to your business and your bank account are tremendous. Many copyright owners are only too happy to sue when their rights are violated. This problem can occur with artist-created graphics, with music, and it also can occur with photos. The temptation is strong; you want a good image to illustrate your message, and it’s so hard to find a good one without paying a hefty fee, so you are wondering whether, just this once, you could use a copyrighted picture. Don’t do it. It’s wrong; it’s... [...]

Avoid copyright infringements; get Eric Holmlund’s Graphics Firesale #ad

We all like to have graphics on our sites because it makes a site more interesting to our visitors. However, we need to be careful where we get the graphics we use. We can be charged with copyright violations if we use a graphic without the creator’s permission. Eric Holmlund knows that danger, so he created this firesale package, full of graphics that include all the rights you need for use in your website and other marketing materials. Eric Holmlund and his partner, Naveed Peerzade, have solved the “risky graphics” problem for you. They have also solved the “visually appealing... [...]

Graphics Mystic Toolkit V3: Give your site a professional look #ad

Lucas Adamski & Andrzej Tomaszewski have just announced Product: Graphics Mystic Toolkit V3, a major collection of many types of graphics marketers need in their web sites and other materials. This brand new set is the newest volume of graphics from this talented team, not a repeat of volume 1 or 2. (If you missed these earlier volumes, they are available to buyers of volume 3 for a special price.) Over 540 new graphics for many purposes are included in this new set. This new set contaqins 18 sets of graphics, from Webinar Registration Landing Pages to Facebook Timeline Covers to Infographic... [...]

WordPress site building kit for beginners (and others) #ad

John Jarvis has built a lot of web sites. When WordPress came along and made site building so easy that anyone can do it (you no longer need to be an IT pro), he turned his attention to building sites using this new tool. Now Jarvis has created a tool to help you get into your own high-quality WordPress site. He calls it The $7 MONEY MAKING SYSTEM X-TREME. This kit consists of three parts: • 1000 royalty-free graphics you can use on all your sites • Over 100 sound tracks you can use to add interest to your sites • A complete set of training videos showing you how to build your WordPress site... [...]

Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack: new graphics for better websites #ad

Max Rylski has been creating graphics for marketers for many years. He’s an expert at it. Every time he releases a new package, it is devoured by marketers around the world. He has just released his newest set of graphics, Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack. Many of you will not read the rest of this notice; his name is enought to cause you to click to see what he is offering this time. Here’s a sample of what Max has for you:   3 Beautiful sales pages   3 Squeeze pages 30 Attractive page headers (in editable format) 52 Vector characters to illustrate your pages, brochures,... [...]

Offline Mobile Toolbox: Graphics, Video, infographics, flyers, emails, more #ad

Producing professional-looking materials for offline businesses (and for your offline consultancy) is sometimes a challenge. Finding good visual elements, suitable for offline niches can be tough and time-consuming. Sharon Odom has just released her Offline Mobile Toolbox, with: ■ 150 royalty-free images for offline niches (choose the ones you want from 700 available) ■ A whiteboard video to use on your own site to gather leads from restaurants ■ An infographic about consumer searching for local businesses on mobile phones ■ Autoresponder series on the importance of mobile optimization... [...]

Ultimate Video Graphics: Sales-building graphics in motion #ad

Anwesh Rath put together a special graphics deal for his subscribers. He has now authorized IM NewsWatch to extend this deal to our subscribers, as well. He calls it Ultimate Video Graphics. In it he has gathered short video clips, graphics elements, backgrounds and templates that you can use in your marketing. He has arranged his collection into 6 parts or “modules”: Module #1: Powerpoint Sales Video Templates ready for you to add your own text Module #2: Intro Logo Stings ready for you to add your own logo Module #3: Powerpoint Backgrounds to use in your presentations Module #4: Video... [...]

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