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Monday, March 3, 2025

Archive for the 'Mobile Traffic Tips' Category

CPA mobile profits @ under 4 cents per click #ad

CPA has been around for a long time, but sending CPA offers to mobile phones is relatively new. But it is growing rapidly. That’s because: 1. There is almost an infinite number of potential CPA visitors (and networks that can send you traffic). 2. You can reach them quickly and very cheaply. 3. Once you hit your stride and start making money, you can scale up instantly. Joey Babbs has put together training, based on his successful process he has used for 3 years to bring in a good living. He says some of his students (not typical, probably) are “generating over four and five figures... [...]

Overcome the latest Google penalty, “MobileGeddon” #ad

IM NewsWatch warned you about MobileGeddon. On April 21, 2015, Google changed its ranking algorithm to give preference to sites that are mobile friendly. All other sites have dropped in the rankings. In recent months there have been a lot of things webmasters have tinkered with, hoping to improve their rank, things like on social media, Instragram photos, retweets and shares. But as of April 21, none of this matters unless the site is first friendly for mobile devices. If you are not prioritizing support for your mobile visitors over all other tweaks and updates, you are behind the curve and need... [...]

‘Mobile Web Traffic Jumps 50%’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Mobile Web Traffic Jumps 50%”. Allison Howen says, “Mobile’s momentum has not slowed down yet, as new data shows that Web traffic from mobile and tablet devices jumped 50 percent over the past year. The data, from online marketing company Wpromote, found that non-desktop traffic made up 27 percent of visits in the first quarter of 2014, which is a significant increase from last year’s 18 percent. Moreover, smartphone traffic increased from 11 percent to 17 percent, while tablet traffic increased from 7 percent to 10 percent“. Mobile... [...]

‘Want to Drive More Website Traffic? Start Thinking Like Your Customers’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Want to Drive More Website Traffic? Start Thinking Like Your Customers”. Keely McGroarty says, “What a customer thinks about matters to your brand and business, but it also matters to your overall marketing efforts. As most owners who rely on their website to generate business, driving and retaining quality traffic is the initial objective – and quality traffic derives from optimizing your website with the right keywords your potential customers are already searching for, offering and effectively communicating your... [...]

‘Is Driving Traffic to Your Website Driving Customers Away?’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “Is Driving Traffic to Your Website Driving Customers Away?”. Lee Odden says, “The vast majority of digital marketing seems to be focused on creating content and experiences for customers with the ultimate measure of success being increased traffic to the company website, leading to leads and sales. It’s a reasonable approach, since company websites typically provide the kinds of information that explain what a company does, the products or services they sell and some means for collecting inquiries or conducting transactions“. Is Driving Traffic... [...]

‘Understanding Mobile Traffic with Google Analytics’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Understanding Mobile Traffic with Google Analytics”. Kevin Webster says, “Consumers increasingly access the Internet via mobile devices. Businesses should know how their websites are responding to mobile devices, to improve web marketing efforts. Whether you are employing a responsive design that resizes and rearranges itself based on mobile versus desktop visits, or you are sending phone and tablet users to a mobile friendly version of a site, studying visits from mobile users is important. Google Analytics has pre-built “Custom”... [...]

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