The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The Worst Advice I’ve Ever Heard About Hustle”. Demian Farnworth says, ““Money talks.” That’s what they say, and that’s what he said to me. Dangle $14 an hour in the face of a 14-year old kid, and I’m in. It helps that my buddy was going to do it too: go door to door and hustle porch renovations. “In six months you could have enough money to buy a car,” he said. Just in time to get my permit. Independence beckoned“. The Worst Advice I’ve Ever Heard About Hustle ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Archive for the 'Online Publishing' Category
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Write a Magnetic Headline (in Under 15 Minutes)”. Jerod Morris says, “The most important element for getting a blog post read is the headline. But you can’t just use any headline. You need a magnetic headline — one that makes an irresistible promise to readers. In the first episode The Lede, Copyblogger’s new regular podcast, Demian Farnworth and I deliver a series of actionable tips and advice that you can implement immediately to become a better headline writer“. How to Write a Magnetic Headline (in Under 15... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Grab New Rainmaker in iTunes”. Brian Clark says, “A big “thank you” to everyone who listened in on the first episode of New Rainmaker, and for all the positive comments! Since so many have asked for it, I wanted to let you know that New Rainmaker has landed in iTunes. As you can see in the image, we’re the #1 Business podcast — gotta say thank you again for that!“. Grab New Rainmaker in iTunes ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “This WordPress Theme is a Perfect Fit for My Personal Site … Here’s Why it May Work for Yours Too”. Jerod Morris says, “For the first time, I am the master of my domain. And by that I mean: I finally own From the time I became seriously web-aware, about six years ago, my name-specific domain has always been taken. Only, hyphenated, or add-my-middle-initial versions have been available. Call me a narcissist domain snob, but yuck. Maybe you can relate? Then I found out that would be coming... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The New Rainmaker: Why the Key to Business Success is Media, Not Marketing”. Brian Clark says, “If you’ve been following Copyblogger for any length of time, you know we’ve been teaching people online marketing for over eight years. Specifically, something that is now known as content marketing. The key point being that this type of marketing is different from traditional marketing, but it accomplishes what marketing is supposed to do. And it’s the differences that cause so many people to struggle with it“. The New Rainmaker:... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Matt Cutts Declares Guest Blogging “Done” … Are We All Screwed?”. Jerod Morris says, “Matt Cutts went Richard Sherman on guest blogging today. The gist of his personal blog post — entitled “The decay and fall of guest blogging” — is this: Guest blogging was once an authentic way to reach people, but now it’s spammy, so we should all expect Google to start spanking sites that publish guest blogs. In his words: So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy. We publish articles from guest... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Striving for Authority”. Seth Godin says, “Everyone wants to play. That kid selling cookies (or is it chocolates) is busy raising money for his basketball team (or maybe a trip to Cuba, I didn’t hear it clearly). All I know is that these cookies aren’t the real thing, they’re not Girl Scout Cookies (capitalize them please) and they’re not Thin Mints®. That email, the one that just came in over the transom, it wants me to buy some miracle potion that’s going to make my hair grow“. Striving for Authority ‘Copyblogger’... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “A Sobering Reminder That Authority Can Change the Course of History”. Jow Pawlikowski says, “Wayne Wheeler knows a thing or two about authority. Essentially erased from the public conscious, Wheeler led the Anti-Saloon League, an advocacy group that made possible the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. Though he never cast a single vote for the amendment or its ratification, Wayne Wheeler used his authority to enact Prohibition“. A Sobering Reminder That Authority Can Change the Course of History ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Why You Can’t Resist Persuasive Techniques (Even When You Spot Them)”. Pamela Wilson says, “I am such a sucker. Every year around the same time, the catalog comes in the mail. And every year, I think “maybe I’ll skip ordering this year. Maybe I’ll take a break.” And then, I make the fatal mistake. I decide to take a peek inside. And before I know it, I’m placing an order for the most expensive oranges I’ll eat all year. I cannot resist. Even though I understand full well all the persuasion techniques they employ... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Build an Audience with Story (From America’s Greatest Living Playwright)”. Robert Bruce says, “There’s been a fevered interest in the art of storytelling among the business crowd the last few years. The masters and the hacks alike are thumping from every available pulpit that storytelling is the most powerful device on earth in regard to human influence. We are told that story — applied to salesmanship, preaching, advertising, conversation, marketing, songwriting, and blogging — contains the power to deliver the world... [...]