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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'PayPal News' Category

Paypal: merchants can’t live with it; can’t live without it #ad

Online merchants around the world use Paypal. It is trusted by the clients we want to sell to; trusted more than any other payment processor. We online merchants really need it. On the other hand, it’s hard to get the information Paypal has about your business by using the merchant interface Paypal gives us. So, using Paypal is often painful. When we try to do things like finding transactions, generating reports and processing refunds it can be hard and time-consuming and often frustrating. Ankur Shukla got so frustrated with how hard it was to get the information he needed that he created... [...]

PayDrill gets your Paypal account under control #ad

If you are like IM NewsWatch, you use Paypal to process all your receipts. That’s normal since there are many advantages for you and for your customers when you use Paypal. That works pretty well for a consumer who makes a few purchases each year. But as a marketer, you need to have all your Paypal data at hand, quickly and easily. You don’t want to have to crawl around in the depths of the Paypal site to find it. Digging through all the data on the Paypal site can take hours. Ankur Shukla saw that problem and came up with new software, called PayDrill, that uses the Paypal API to pull... [...]

‘PayPal’s David Marcus Has A Plan—And It’s So Money 3.0’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “PayPal’s David Marcus Has A Plan—And It’s So Money 3.0”. Owen Thomas says, “In one salty word, PayPal president David Marcus summed up how he’s changing a company whose reputation for innovation and customer service had taken a dive before he took over. Executives who say they don’t have time to respond to customers on social media? “It’s bullshit,” Marcus told me on stage at our latest ReadWriteMix event in San Francisco on Tuesday evening. “If you lead a company, you’re the master of your calendar. You need... [...]

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