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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category

Professional stock videos at firesale prices, this week #ad

This week only, you can get 52 stock video clips for less than the cost of a single video clip from the popular stock video sites. Eric Holmlund, and his partners Paul Counts and Trevor Smith, are offering these top quality stock video clips, this week only, at a firesale price. in their Stock Video Firesale. Videos can help your site, but you have to watch out for 3 things: 1. Make sure your videos are properly licensed. Otherwise, the owner can sue you. 2. Make sure your videos are high quality. Shabby videos will hurt your site, not help it. 3. Don’t pay too much. Many stock video sites... [...]

I want an online business, but I don’t know what to sell #ad

You may have heard the stories about many everyday people who have earned a good income on the Internet. You’re an everyday person, too. Why can’t you do the same? Well, you can, provided: • You have a good product to sell. • You have a good website where you can sell it. • People interested in your niche visit your website And if you have multiple products on multiple websites, your income increases accordingly. The solution to your product problem could be a ghost-writer, who regularly (say, monthly) produces a new information product for you. Your solution to the website problem could... [...]

Become a recognized SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It’s SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there’s new information. Every Webpage, eCommerce store, Blog, Forum, or other site needs the favor of search engines and webmasters are always on the lookout for new authoritative information on SEO. In their SEO PLR Fire Sale , Holmlund and Pareek are offering you 5 PLR video training courses on specific areas in... [...]

Tomorrow, there’s a block-buster resale product launching #ad

We don’t have a lot of details yet, but tomorrow we will let you in on the new set of 5 resale products Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund are launching. Here is a glimpse of these upcoming products: 1. Keyword Research Simplified. 2. Private Blog Network Simplified. 3. SEO for Businesses Simplified. 4. Social signals for SEO. 5. SEO Profits Simplified. You will get everything you need to make each of these products a true “Business in a Box”. That’s all for now, but check back here tomorrow.  [...]

Paul Nicholls sells everything but the kitchen sink #ad

Paul Nicholls is a well-known marketer/trainer/product developer. He has created many training products for online marketers, 21 training products in all. These video products address a wide variety of IM tools and techniques. Now, in Paul Nicholls’s All Products sale, he offers all his products to you, and not just his products; he includes resale rights for them and he even includes PLR rights, so you can change them, change their names and sell them as your own. Nicholls is shutting down the sale at any time. Get all the details now, here: Paul Nicholls’s All Products Sale.  [...]

Sell your own quality product; get it at affordable price #ad

Derrick Van Dyke, respected product creator, is offering to let you take one of his premium products and rename it, put your logo and name on it, and sell it as his own. You get the advantage of his hard work designing and creating the product. It’s ready to go, and it even comes with a complete website to sell it. This is his WP Sales Copy. This is a WordPress plugin that has a lot of technical innovation built in. Using it, you can easily build sales pages and more. Select colors, fonts, and more. Insert a video if you like. Add a buy button. Accept affiliates and track their sales. This is... [...]

Christmas PLR: Software. Give it away; build mailing list #ad

Barry Rodgers has just released new software for enthusiasts in two large niches: ■ Vegetarian Cooking ■ Arts and Crafts If you want to build a list in one of these niches, put your name on his Christmas PLR, give it away on your niche squeeze page, and build a responsive mailing list for the niche. One of the programs is called A Vegetarian Christmas and the other is Christmas Crafts. Each of these programs shows four YouTube videos for the niche (use the ones Rodgers chose, or choose ones you like better.) At the end of the video, they are invited to download a PDF (you choose it, or use... [...]

24 hour opportunity for big savings #ad

For two days, The Real Guys (Eric Holmlund, Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman) are offering you a package they call IM Guru PLR 2.0, which includes PLR resale rights to five of their marketing training courses: 1. Cutting Edge SEO Mastery 2. Membership Income Secrets 3. Niche Marketing Success Secrets 4. Tee Profit Pro 5. WP Online Store Plus, you get this bonus training: • S2Member Course • Six Figure Affiliate • PLR Profits Workshop • Members Only Live Q&A Webinar To make the decision to invest in IM Guru PLR 2.0 even easier, IM NewsWatch is offering a bonus for you. For two days only,... [...]

Bertus Engelbrecht’s solution for getting ahead, online #ad

have you ever wondered, “If I had the tools that the successful guys have, could I be successful too?” If so, check out Bertus Engelbrecht‘s new Internet Cash Explosion. Engelbrecht created this new training and software to help average marketers, who have been “getting nowhere”, actually get somewhere online. Not only does this training help you, he is letting you sell it as your own and keep all the profits. And the software will help you sell it. If you are getting nowhere, consider this: the most common reasons for not earning money online are: 1. Not having a top-quality,... [...]

Internet Cash Explosion: a premium PLR training package #ad

Bertus Engelbrecht has just released a large PLR package of such high quality today. He calls it: Internet Cash Explosion. It’s a step by step action-orientated course that shows you how to start making money online and build a profitable online business. It comes with white label rights, so that you can set it up as a “business in a box”. It lets you start an online business selling to Internet marketers and people interested in making money online. Internet Cash Explosion is rich with: • A quality product, • A beautiful website, ready to upload, • Expensive professional... [...]

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