Australian marketer Aurelius Tjin has just released his new Social Media Plan of Attack, a guide to using social media strategically to build your business. This e-book addresses the smart use of social media in your business. Use it to build your own business, and then sell it to other people if you like. If you want to resell it, you get numerous tools to help you. You can take the included material and transform it into your own publication. It’s easy to edit and to add your own additional material to make it into a custom and unique product for you. Tjin includes Photoshop files and action... [...]
Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category
You can have a business helping parents teach their children to read. You do it by giving away Teach Child To Read software that you have branded with your own business name. This software shows parents how to get their preschool children to start reading. And you give it away at no charge. Why? When they use the software, they see an ad at the bottom of their window, saying, “Discover 1 powerful, Effective and Simple Method that will teach your child to read in 12 weeks.” You are an affiliate for this “upgrade” product, and when someone decides to buy this product, you... [...]
There are big opportunities in the social media marketing niche. And Clickbank is at the heart of this niche, with many training products showing how to use social media in marketing. Eleanor Ruse has just issued her latest Clickbank affiliate research and PLR content packages, CB Social Power Profits. As always, Ruse has included a rich set of materials that will help you quickly set up a site in the niche: • An in-depth list of search keywords in the niche and a list of exact match domain names • A list of 30 hand-selected Clickbank products in this niche, chosen for best earning potential •... [...]
Angela Booth has created an e-book called 25 Days to Healthy Weight Loss. You can turn it into your own weight loss product, put your name on it and sell it as your own, with no ongoing royalties due to Booth. You keep all the profits. 25 chapters; 72 pages, with no changes necessary, although you can change anything you want. You can market it many ways, including: • Create a Kindle book (with changes you add) • Use it for website content or autoresponder content • Make an audio book • Give it away as a reward for opt-ins With Booth’s expertise on every page, you can... [...]
Sue Fleckenstein has created a package of information on getting out of debt and removing the stigma of being a debtor who defaulted or became delinquent on their debt. This is a big niche; thousands of people are looking for ways out of their personal debt crisis. With Fleckenstein’s Credit Repair Niche PLR Package, you can build a credit repair business from scratch and profit from people’s search for solutions. In this package you get: • A 35 page eBook – ‘Credit Repair Facts & Tips’ (8,917 words) to sell as your own product • A list of keywords and available... [...]
Mike McKay has just released his latest niche marketing pack, Camera Cash Riches Niche Pack If you have been reading IM NewsWatch for long you know that McKay specializes in these complete niche-oriented packages and over the last two years or so, he has released dozens of them. This new Camera Cash Riches Niche Pack is as powerful as the earlier ones. He includes a broad range of aids for your affiliate website in Product Creation Service: As usual, he has included many marketing aids for your affiliate site: ► 50 high quality review videos for high-end camera products. ► 6 professional banner... [...]
Once again, Eleanor Ruse has released a package of marketing aids for a niche that has a lot of buyers. Embarrassing Niche Profits helps you sell problem-solving information to people who want to keep their problem secret because they find it embarrassing. She has created reviews and other marketing materials to help you sell Clickbank products related to erectile dysfunction and yeast infections. This new package includes: • 10 product recommendations for you to promote in each of the two niches. She scoured the ClickBank catalog to find these 20 products that each pay a commission of $10... [...]
John Smiley, Jerome Johnson and Andy Brocklehurst have built 100 software products you can get for about $0.33 each (although the price is rising). They address evergreen niches that have a lot of traffic. These are simple programs that act like dynamic PDFs to give tips and advice to the user on a niche topic. People interested in the niche will find your software worth downloading. While they are using using the program (or before you allow them to use it) you can optionally ask them to register. The authors have found this is an alternative to a squeeze page that gets a better response. You... [...]
There are a lot of personal health problems that people don’t like to talk about. Many people don’t even want to talk with a doctor about them. They are too embarrassed. They prefer to research online and buy a solution online whenever possible. That presents a market opportunity for online marketers. Michael McKay’s latest Amazon affiliate package Embarrassing Niche Riches lets you get into these niche markets. In this new package, McKay gives you the tools you need to set up an affiliate site for 5 health niches: 1. Acne 2. Arthritis 3. Toenail Fungus 4. Liver Cleanse 5. Hair... [...]
Eleanor Ruse has earned a reputation as the creator of high-quality sales aid packages for affiliate marketers who want to sell Clickbank niche products. She chooses her niches with care, and builds a variety of marketing resources for affiliates in that niche. Many thousands of people have an aquarium (or several) in their homes or offices. They want to learn more about their fish; they want to care for their fish correctly; and many want to expand their collection with new varieties. Ruse has researched Clickbank and has found 15 downloadable products for fish owners, which she shares in Fantastic... [...]