Bill Hugall and Shane Farrell have created a 30 day email coaching program complete that they are offering to you to sell as your own. They call it DFY Email Coaching Profits. Not only do you get all the coaching emails, but they also include sales page copy to use on your website so you can put your name on on the coaching and start selling it today. They suggest you sell it for $47-$197. This isn’t a typical training product. This is a complete ‘done for you’ email based coaching program with a sales page. When you get this package, you can simply insert your personal details,... [...]
Archive for the 'Product Creation' Category
Peter Szabo says lazy people can, indeed, become successful marketers. He shows the way in his new training, Easiest Money Ever, he shows the way. He says that this new system can earn 3-figures (i.e., at least $100) daily and can do it without any website, any list or any significant start-up budget. His point is that by avoiding building a website or attempting to build a list, you can save a lot more time but still earn good money. He says it can all be done using YouTube. In Easiest Money Ever, Szabo shares his many techniques, tips & tricks for maximizing long-term profit from YouTube. He... [...]
Product creation can be tough, especially when you’re new at it. On the other hand, selling products is the fastest way to online profits, so it’s something we want to get involved in. Fortunately, there are people who will sell you the right to resell their products (and these are available in many niches), and these can get you started in minutes. This is where a new video training course from Dave Nicholson and John Thornhill called 60 Minute Reseller comes in. In this video training, Thornhill and Nicholson show you how to take a reseller product and then: • Edit the content (to... [...]
If you have created a product (or if you ever plan to) you want that product to earn you as much profit as it honestly can. It only makes sense to get the most return you can from the effort you invest in building your product. But are aware that you can take steps in the marketing for your product that can make a big difference in your return on investment? Caterina Christakos had found ways that she can maximize her earnings from each product she builds. And she has placed her discoveries in her new Product Creation Domination Method. Now, any time she creates a new product, she sets it up to... [...]
Anwesh Rath is well known to IM NewsWatch readers. He has been the source of several innovative marketing products over the years. He and his partners have just re-released his training on product creation. This new version is called Product Creation Rehab Reloaded. Right from the start, let’s be clear. This is no “magic button.” It’s a business plan that you execute. But it’s not somebody’s theoretical musings. It’s a proven business strategy. The goal of this offer is to show you how to create your own product is 3 or 4 days and get it on the market earning... [...]
The title says it all. Sean Mize is the author of dozens of sales training products, most of them released as (successful) WSOs. He has this process in his mind, almost as second nature. He has done it over and over again, and now he wants to show you How to Create a WSO and Write the Sales Letter in 2 Hours or Less. In this training, he shows you: • How to write a WSO sales letter, • How to create the product, and • How to upload and route the product in Warrior Plus and your autoresponder. He doesn’t leave anything to chance. He shows you every step in his (repeatable)... [...]
The name Kevin Riley is well-known in Internet Marketing circles. For 9 years, he has built products and built websites to sell them. He has alos created several training products to show how it is done. His best training product may be what he calls his Biz Builder Challenge. In it he breaks up his training into short sessions, one per day. You execute each one in an hour or two. In these lessons (each is a video, with a printable transcript), he steps you through the process of creating a training product of your own and selling it. The lessons come with worksheets and other resources to help... [...]
Anthony La Rocca has created info products in the internet marketing niche for years. He generally sells them as WSOs on He reports that he ha broken the code to earn Simple Easy Profits selling WSOs, and he wants to share the process with you. In this new training he shares his secrets to: • How to easily create a WSO start to finish in just a few hours • Simple & easy product ideas to you can rinse and repeat for future WSOs • Contact information for his personal copywriter and graphic designer; get expert help • Learn how the “real players” make such huge profits,... [...]
Andrew Brocklehurst created iCurator Pro about a year ago. Version 2 came out in May and was chosen “WSO of the Day”. Now version 3 is ready. Brocklehurst is a man committed to improving his already good product. In version 3 he adds several new features that marketers will want He calls iCurator Pro V3 the fastest way to create information products. What it does is assemble existing documents, videos, audios, etc. into a menu-based larger product. This tool builds a menu of buttons that call your selected multimedia parcels into action. Click on one button and watch a video; click... [...]
Dan Murray, an admitted serial product creator (he has created 37 information products in 8 niches in just 6 years), has just released Black Hat Product Creation 2.0 to show you his winning method for finding a lucrative product opportunity and then creating a profitable product to respond to that opportunity. If you are like IM NewsWatch and are averse to “black hat” methods, you needn’t fear this training. Calling it “black hat” is apparently a marketing gimmick, lending an air of mystery. When the IMNW evaluator read through this training, it all looked open and... [...]