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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Squeeze Pages' Category

WP Optins (version 3) sale ending #ad

Derrick Vandyke and Karin Haworth announced the third release of WP Optins Sale about a month ago. During this time, they have had it on sale for $10 off the regular price, but the sale is coming to an end. Until April 11, you can still save $10.00 on this plugin that lets you create high-converting squeeze pages on your WordPress blog or website. It handles all the technical details for you. You just need to insert the code your autoresponder company supplies into the form created by WP Optins Sale. This plugin makes professional-looking squeeze pages, looking like the ones created by high-priced... [...]

Video Effects WP theme sale continues, but price rising daily #ad

Mark Dulisse and Todd Gross have collaborated to release a new visual WordPress theme that is particularly useful for opt-in pages, but also can play a role in sales pages, as well. Their Video Effects Press WP Theme will let you center your video or other content on top of a moving video background This helps hold people’s attention long enough to build their interest in what you have to say. On the sales page are links to 7 demo pages made with this plugin. The bad news is that in the 2 days it has been live, its price has risen several times, and will rise again If you need a compelling... [...]

Turn Any YouTube Video Into A Splash Site Automatically #ad

Would you like to take a marketing video you placed on YouTube and automatically make it into a video splash page to capture the attention of people who happen to land on the page while surfing? With Alex Albert‘s and Alessandro Zamboni‘s Power Easy Video Splash Creator, any YouTube video can be automatically embedded in a squeeze page The page it creates for you is SEO-optimized and allow you to add additional text content. It also allows you to redirect the visitor to another page after a time interval you set. These pages are ready to for your visitors to share on Facebook so a... [...]

Video Effects Press WP Theme with Dramatic Video Backgrounds #ad

One of the hottest video trend is full-screen video background landing pages. Take a look at the Paypal landing page, as an example, and there are plenty of others. Big companies are moving in this direction because these pages relax the website visitor, or conveys a message, or puts them in a buying mood. Unfortunately, the software to create these attractive pages has been expensive, so many of us small businesses have been left out of the revolution. but tomorrow that all changes because Mark Dulisse releases software to create this effect “for the rest of us”. He calls it Video Effects... [...]

WP Video Squeezify: More Subcribers Without Extra Work #ad

Your squeeze page is the key to building your mailing list. You need a compelling page, one that holds people’s attention. Jeff Bode just released WP Video Squeezify, a plugin to add video backgrounds to your squeeze pages. After all, if you’re building a list you really need to use the best squeeze page possible. Otherwise, you’re missing subscribers you could have acquired. Video squeeze pages are going to be big, and it’s time to look into before everyone starts using them. Like all other technology trends, these squeeze pages will eventually become so common-place that... [...]

FunnelKit: The new leader among marketing page builders #ad

IM NewsWatch has been reporting on the video training available from Emka Strimatis on building squeeze pages. Today he announces his new WordPress plugin to assist you in creating not only squeeze pages (also called lead capture pages), but also sales pages, webinar registration pages, thank you pages, download pages and more. To earn a living from your site, these pages are needed, and this new software can simplify making professional sales-related pages for you. This is not a typical”marketing page creator” that you’ve seen before. Typically, they are confined to a few variations.... [...]

Second Squeeze page Training Video available #ad

Emilis (a.k.a. Emka) Strimatis has just posted his second free video on building successful squeeze pages free video on How to Create the Perfect Squeeze Page(also called “lead capture page”.) Some of them will surprise you. It is on the same page as his first video: Video: The 20 most common squeeze page mistakes. Like the first video, the second provides actionable information on building good squeeze pages. Why is he giving away all this good information. He has a launch coming up later this week, and he wants people to get to know how helpful his training is. He plans three videos,... [...]

Video: The 20 most common squeeze page mistakes #ad

Emilis (a.k.a. Emka) Strimatis has just posted a free video on the mistakes people make in their squeeze pages(also called “lead capture pages”.) Some of them will surprise you. When you watch the video, you will be impressed and entertained, and you will learn a lot. Not only that, you will be able to download a list of all the squeeze page mistakes he mentions. And as a bonus, you will get an access to his free online graphics editor. He is making it worth your while by giving away all this good information. Why? He has a launch coming up in a week, and he wants people to get to know... [...]

Increase your opt-in rate by up to 500% #ad

You need people to join your opt-in list. Your list is the key to your ongoing business success. But you have to get their attention and your static opt-in box may not be up to the challenge. Now, with Generation Plugin, you can assure that your opt-in offers are not overlooked. This new software, being announced today, will place you opt-ins in you choice of 8 compelling formats: 1. Pop-up Box This is an unblockable, beautiful light-box popup box 2. A Slide-in Panel sliding from top, bottom, left or right 3. An In-post Opt-in Form Designed to be integrated with post or page content 4. A Footer... [...]

EpicSqueeze makes effective Squeeze Pages #ad

Every marketer needs at least one squeeze page; you really need one per website, at least. It’s not hard to create one, but creating one that actually gives you a high percentage of opt-ins is a harder task. You want enough information that people are intrigued, but not so much that you bore them. And you want one that looks attractive, and, preferably, you want a design that has been proven to work. Juan Morales has studied squeeze page designs and now has released software that produces attractive, effective squeeze pages. He calls it Epic Squeeze. With this new WordPress plugin, you can... [...]

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