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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

‘Crowd Funding G+ Hangout’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Crowd Funding G+ Hangout”. Mandossian says, “If you look up Crowd Funding on Wikipedia, you’ll find the concept “describes the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.” Although Crowd Funding can be utilized to fund disaster relief, citizen journalism, support the arts, fund political campaigns and, of course, start-up companies … very few people understand how this new and proven social media financing principle works”. Crowd... [...]

‘What is “The Shift” Happening in 2013?’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “What is “The Shift” Happening in 2013?”. Mandossian says, “Do you “LIKE” Tim Ferriss? Have you ever read The 4-Hour Work Week?  Well today will be a special LIVE on-line event happening at 12pm PST.  Andrew McCauley and I discuss the “End of the World” and how it is going through a shift. They talk about how things are going from a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) World to a “Done For You” (DFY) World”. What is “The Shift” Happening in 2013? Alex Mandossian’s Blog  [...]

‘Endosements vs. Testimonials vs. Case Studies’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Endosements vs. Testimonials vs. Case Studies”. Mandossian says, “Your target market typically supports what it helps to create.  Getting your prospects and customers involved early on in any marketing campaign withonline surveys, Ask campaigns or blog comments will help you build marketing momentum and expand your market reach. In my 21+ years of marketing experience, I know of 3 types customer feedback that provide you social proof.  They are endorsements,testimonials and case studies”. Endosements vs. Testimonials vs.... [...]

‘How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s Disease (Part 2)’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s Disease (Part 2)”. Mandossian says, “If your business year has not met your expectations, then keep reading.  If your business year has been filled with miscommunications, then keep reading. Or if you’ve found your business Intentions and goals thwarted for unexpected reasons, the culprit behind these outcomes may be a case of Opportunity Seekerism”. How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s Disease (Part 2) Alex Mandossian’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s Disease (Part 1)’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s Disease (Part 1)”. Mandossian says, “How is your year going so far? Have you achieved your New Year’s ”business growth” resolutions you made back in late December or January? Or, did you give up on them because they seem out of reach? Only you know the answer to those questions. But if you feel stuck with growing your business, this is the perfect moment to ask yourself the two critical questions management philosopher, Peter Drucker often asked business owners”. How to Overcome Opportunity Seeker’s... [...]

‘Daily Task Tips to Make Each Day More Productive’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Daily Task Tips to Make Each Day More Productive”. Mandossian says, “There’s a productivity principle called the “Rule of 5″ which Jack Canfield taught me over 10 years ago. He has since indicated many times during our monthly Ask Jack teleseminars that a daily practice of the Rule of 5 during his Chicken Soup for the Soul book launch days was significantly responsible for the meteoric rise and success of that book series”. Daily Task Tips to Make Each Day More Productive Alex Mandossian’s Blog  [...]

‘SEO Basics for Small Business Professionals: 2 Steps Anyone Can Do’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “SEO Basics for Small Business Professionals: 2 Steps Anyone Can Do”. Krakoff says, “If you’re a small business professional, you may end up doing a lot of your website updating yourself. Without being a geek, you can take care of a few key elements of SEO basics to help prospects and clients find you online. This article explains the basics. If you’re not using search engine optimization (SEO) to promote your business online, you’ve at least heard of it. And you’ve probably heard it’s crucial”. SEO Basics... [...]

‘Elements of a Effective “Quick-Start” System’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Elements of a Effective “Quick-Start” System”. Mandossian says, “If you’re an info marketer, small business owner or a service professional, then having a Quick-Start (QS) system is critical to accelerate the growth of your business. For instance, as marketer who teaches how to get wealthy in theDomaining business, my first aim is to inspire, motivate and influence new students (customers) to get steeped into my QS system. Click here if you want to see how this works first-hand”. Elements of a Effective “Quick-Start” System Alex... [...]

‘Small Message, Big Impact’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Small Message, Big Impact”. Mandossian says, “If you’re a marketing professional who wants more impact in your business by utilizing a powerful “elevator speech” from scratch, take time to listen to this remarkable interview”. Small Message, Big Impact Alex Mandossian’s Blog  [...]

‘Fuzzy Metrics Lead to Problems – Not Profits’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Fuzzy Metrics Lead to Problems – Not Profits”. Mandossian says, “As marketing professionals, it is one of our core responsibilities to measure our success. Right? My colleague and friend, John Reese, once taught me that Internet marketers only need to measure two things:  YES or NO? and MORE or LESS?  I now call these two measurements the core duality metrics. Pretty simple, eh?  Uh … not so much”. Fuzzy Metrics Lead to Problems – Not Profits Alex Mandossian’s Blog  [...]

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