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Monday, March 24, 2025

SEO Enigma has been reloaded (updated with latest tips) #ad

Jon Shawcross has been an SEO specialist for years. He runs an international SEO company called Onvizi. In his work he has learned more than a little about SEO, and now in SEO Enigma Reloaded he is sharing that wisdom with you. He starts by clarifying the truth about SEO: there’s no magic bullet, no substitute for the careful work of positioning your site where the search engines will find it. It won’t happen overnight, and if you don’t accept this fact, you will probably waste money and times on so-called solutions that don’t really work. In this training, he shares the strategy he uses... [...]

Was it glitches or gremlins that bollixed “She’s Viral” #ad

During yesterday’s launch of WP She’s Viral Pro , the sales system broke down. Nobody was able to buy for a while. The launch was suspended, and some of you may not have come back later in the day to get your copy. It’s open again and IM NewsWatch has 8 top bonuses to make it even better. Why make the effort to get viral traffic? Well, there was a day when getting traffic to a website was easy. Using SEO with a few backlinks, was all it took. But with all of Google’s updates it’s not that easy anymore. Today, if you do get traffic that way, it’s fleeting at best. There’s always someone... [...]

WP She’s Viral Pro: Visitor unlocks content by really sharing #ad

Anton Nadillo and his team are releasing a new viral WordPress plugin today at 11:00 EDT. You might want to get there a little early and sign up as an early bird. They call it WP She’s Viral Pro , and it’s different from most viral plugins. Most give an incentive to visitors to share by offering a free item for anyone who shares. WP She’s Viral Pro goes one step farther. It creates a unique referral link that the “referrer” shares with friends. Only when one or more of those friends responds (you can set the required number of responders) is the content unlocked. So people... [...]

Is your website fully compliant with the law? #ad

You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the law. The regulators carry a very big stick. They can fine you, shut down your site and put you out of business for violating the law. You need compliance policies designed by a competent attorney to keep you safe. For some time now, Compliance Bar has been protecting sites around the world.. Today, until Noon PST, there is a sale that offers you its protection at a bargain price. • Compliance Bar will display links to your legal pages in the form of attractive icons that can be positioned anywhere on your page. • Compliance Bar can display... [...]

Absolute Jacker: Live at 11AM; your content around the web #ad

Whatever your niche, you need to get your ads in front of interested people. Absolute Jacker, being released at 11 AM EDT, can get your ads seen by visitors to any site you choose. There have been other software packages and plugins that make this claim. Absolute Jacker has capabilities no other software can match: There is no change to the site where you want your ad to be shown. Nevertheless, now you can put your own pop ups on massive sites like YouTube and TMZ. And you can “lock” people from seeing YouTube videos until they share your page or fill out your CPA offer. You can even make other... [...]

SEO Enigma: Bullet-proof SEO for extraordinary results #ad

Anton Nadillo and Jon Shawcross have done a lot of research, over a periuod of years, on what works in SEO without getting you black-listed. Last year, they published the results of their study in the first edition of SEO Enigma. Now, they are releasing version 2, revised and supplemented to account for the recent changes made by Google. Google recently released the 4th version of the Panda update. This follows several updates made throughout 2013. The SEO tactics that worked a year ago may get your site in trouble today. Thar’s why Nadillo and Shawcross felt compelled to revise their advice... [...]

Simple strategy to build your mailing list #ad

Anton Nadillo and Andre Stoelinga were going broke as affiliate marketers. As they analyzed their problem, they realized that they were missing a great opportunity because they weren’t building a list of the people interested in their niche. They tried, but they couldn’t seem to interest people in joining them. They knew a mailing list was important; that way, they could sell more than one item to a customer. But people didn’t want to join their list. Seeking a solution, they tried a lot of things until, in their own words, they “stumbled upon a drop dead simple method that... [...]

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