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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘Matt Cutts: Google’s updates are going the be jarring and jolting’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ has been released. The featured article titled “Matt Cutts: Google’s updates are going the be jarring and jolting”. Matt Cutts: Google’s updates are going the be jarring and jolting Five days ago, Google’s Matt Cutts announced in an online discussion that there will be further Penguin updates that will be upsetting for many webmasters: “Lots of people were asking me when the next Penguin update would happen, as if they expected Penguin updates to happen on a monthly basis and as if Penguin would only involve... [...]

‘SEO wealth building: you have to do the right things’- Axandra Search Engine Facts

‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ latest issue has been released. The featured article titled “SEO wealth building: you have to do the right things”.   SEO wealth building: you have to do the right thingsSearch engine optimization is very similar to wealth building. If you do the wrong things and listen to the wrong people, you might lose everything and you might be left with nothing. This is a lesson that many people learned after Google’s Penguin update. 1. It’s important to know that time is a factor If you are young and invest your first dollars... [...]

‘Cephalalgiawhat? How to get more sales without it’ – Axandra Search Engine Facts

‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ latest issue has been released. Cephalalgiawhat? How to get more sales without itIf your web pages are difficult to understand, you might not make as much money as you could with your website. A simple tool can help you to check the readability of your pages. cephawhat? Difficult language = fewer sales Many websites use technical language that is very difficult to understand for the average web surfer. Some webmasters also like long and complicated sentences. Long and complicated sentences are not a sign of professionalism. They just show that the... [...]

‘How to get more clicks from rankings that you already have’- Axandra Search Engine Facts

‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ latest issue has been released. How to get more clicks from rankings that you already have Although the meta description tag doesn’t influence the rankings of your web pages much, it can have a major influence on the number of clicks that you get. By attracting more clicks, good meta descriptions can also have a positive influence on your rankings. meta description tag – doh! What are meta descriptions and why are they still important? The meta description tag can be found in the HTML code of a web page: <meta name=”description”... [...]

‘Three things you can do to stay ahead of Google’s updates’- Axandra Search Engine Facts

‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ latest issue has been released. Three things you can do to stay ahead of Google’s updatesGoogle’s recent updates have rattled many webmasters. Are your rankings safe? Do you have to worry about Google’s next updates? There are three things that you can do to stay ahead of future Google updates. 1. Understand that Google wants the same as you Google wants to offer web searchers the solution to their problems. Your products and services also solve the problems of your customers. Show Google that your website offers the best solution... [...]

‘Google: it takes time to rank a great website on Google’- ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ newsletter has been released. Google: it takes time to rank a great website on Google In an online discussion, Google’s John Mueller said that having a great website is not enough to get high rankings on Google. What do you need to get high Google rankings and what do you have to do? Google: a great site is not enough High rankings take time If you have a new website, it will take some time until Google fully trusts your site. Even if your website has great content, Google must be sure that your website can be trusted. This... [...]

‘How To Get Listed As Quickly As Possible In Google’s Search Results’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ issue #461 has been released. The featured article titled “How to get listed as quickly as possible in Google’s search results”. [Newsletter Article] […]  [...]

‘Why SEO Is Like Wealth Building’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ issue #461 has been released. The featured article titled “Why SEO is like wealth building”. [Newsletter Article] […]  [...]

‘How To Get Links From Authority Sites’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ issue #461 has been released. The featured article titled “How To Get Links From Authority Sites”. [Newsletter Article] […]  [...]

‘How to Secure Your Rankings After Google’s Latest Update’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ issue #461 has been released. The featured article titled “How to Secure Your Rankings After Google’s Latest Update”. [Newsletter Article] […]  [...]

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