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Monday, March 3, 2025

Google tests banner ads on search results pages

NY Times reported that Google appears to be contemplating violating its pledge to not place banner ads on search results. “There will be no banner ads on the Google homepage or Web search results pages,” a company blog post said in 2005. “There will not be crazy, flashy, graphical doodads flying and popping up all over the Google site. Ever.” Nevertheless, reports the Times, Google is running an experiment for a subset of its search users involving several advertisers, including Southwest Airlines, in which banners are being shown. According to the Times, “The one for Southwest,... [...]

Traffic King: Traffic experts share their secrets in interviews #ad

If you are seeking consistent ways to drive traffic to your site, and don’t like the “moving targets” that Google and Facebook offer, Traffic King may be what you’re looking for. Ricky Ducent has interviewed two traffic experts, one on driving traffic with banner ads; the other on driving it with Videos. They will show you several ways these tools can be used. To make sure you can get the most out of these interviews, he gives them to you in video, in audio and in PDF. You get to use the information however you need to fit it into your life. Also included is a bonus that... [...]

Wp Banner Buster makes your ads noticed, but not intrusive #ad

Kevin Fahey has released this new WordPress plugin, called Wp Banner Buster, that creates slide-out ads tempting visitors to click. If you aren’t getting the clicks you want on your banner ads, make them slide-out so the visitor is likely to notice them, then gets intrigues and clicks. The can slide left, right or down. Fahey’s plugin will make it simple to install these magnetic banners on your site; there’s no complicated code to fiddle with, just a simple dashboard. Fahey has tested this using all the most popular themes and plugins, so you can buy with confidence. If by chance... [...]

‘Benefits of Selling Banner Ads on a Website’ – ‘eTips’ Newsletter

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Shelley Lowery has released the latest issue of ‘eTips: Web Design, Internet Marketing & Economic Solutions’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Benefits of Selling Banner Ads on a Website”. [eTips Newsletter] […]  [...]

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