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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

‘Winner Announced for ClickBank’s Digital Dream Contest!’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Winner Announced for ClickBank’s Digital Dream Contest!”. Miles Baker says, “We’re happy to announce the winner of our Digital Dream Contest, which celebrated reaching $2 billion in earnings paid out to our vendors and affiliates! Our winner is Jonathan Jacques, creator of a popular FIFA 12 video game guide sold through ClickBank. Selling his guide on ClickBank has enabled Jonathan to fund his college education, as he explains in his great video”. Winner Announced for ClickBank’s Digital Dream Contest! ClickBank... [...]

‘5 ClickBank Features That Will Rock Your Profits!’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “5 ClickBank Features That Will Rock Your Profits!”. Miles Baker says, “ClickBank has several powerful features that affiliates and vendors can take advantage of in order to increase their profits. Recently, ClickBank has upgraded and added many new features that have a proven capacity to increase your sales. Below you will find 5 of these ClickBank features that are my favorites. Some of these features are new, and some have been around awhile, though all of them have the potential to rock your profits!”. 5 ClickBank Features... [...]

‘Tech Tuesday: How to Create Web Video & Screencasts for Internet Marketing’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Tech Tuesday: How to Create Web Video & Screencasts for Internet Marketing”. Beau Blackwell says, “Video has changed since the dawn of YouTube. Before YouTube, if you wanted to do video it had to be professionally produced and edited and in general look like a masterpiece if you wanted to be taken seriously. Then YouTube came along and changed everything. Today, customers are rejecting overproduced video content”. Tech Tuesday: How to Create Web Video & Screencasts for Internet Marketing ClickBank Blog  [...]

‘Making it Happen in 2012’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Making it Happen in 2012”. This post features a video. Please click on the link below to watch the video on ClickBank blog. Making it Happen in 2012 ClickBank Blog  [...]

‘7 Step Guide to Internet Marketing Word Domination in 2012’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “7 Step Guide to Internet Marketing Word Domination in 2012”. Molly Lane says, “For most entrepreneurs, the start of a new year means new business goals, resolutions and achievements to look forward to in the months ahead. Over the past year I’ve been honored to have the opportunity to work with some of the best and brightest in the industry, and have boiled down what I’ve learned as a ClickBank Insider to this 7 step guide to things you can do in 2012 to help you achieve riches, rewards and world domination with your Internet... [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing Today Podcast: International Sales Tools’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing Today Podcast: International Sales Tools”. Molly Lane says, “In this week’s episode of Affiliate Marketing Today, we interview top ClickBank client Mike Cecchin about his experience in translating and selling successful English language products in international markets. This episode follows ClickBank’s recent announcement that we now fully support sales in 6 languages and 31 currencies, opening up more opportunities for ClickBank vendors and affiliates to cash in on a global customer base. Tune in... [...]

‘New and Improved Marketplace Search Capabilities’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “New and Improved Marketplace Search Capabilities”. Molly Lane says, “With thousands of products currently in the ClickBank Marketplace and new products being added daily, finding just the right product to promote can be challenging. If this applies to you, then you’re in luck. The ClickBank Marketplace just got better! For your convenience, we have added advanced search options to the Marketplace page, making it easier than ever for you to find the perfect product to promote”. New and Improved Marketplace Search Capabilities ClickBank... [...]

‘Enter to Win Cash and Prizes in the ClickBank Digital Dream Contest!’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Enter to Win Cash and Prizes in the ClickBank Digital Dream Contest!”. Molly Lane says, “Have you seen that ticker on our website lately? The one that shows how much ClickBank has paid out to clients? That very same ticker indicating ClickBank is about to pay someone the 2 billionth dollar? That 2 billionth dollar is the result of YOUR success. You’ve poured blood, sweat and tears into promoting and launching products on ClickBank. You remember what it felt like to receive your first ClickBank check, and you’ve come a long... [...]

‘Why an Engaged Audience Beats PPC or SEO for Affiliate Marketers’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Why an Engaged Audience Beats PPC or SEO for Affiliate Marketers… and How to Get One!”. Danny Iny says, “Affiliate marketing is the ultimate level playing field. Anyone can get started, and if they’re smart and hard-working, they can be making money in a matter of days. All you’ve got to do is find a good offer, run some good ads, and watch the traffic convert into sales. Right? Well, maybe that used to be true, but it’s not anymore…”. Why an Engaged Audience Beats PPC or SEO for Affiliate Marketers… and How... [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing Today Podcast: International Sales Tools’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing Today Podcast: International Sales Tools”. Molly Lane says, “In this week’s episode of Affiliate Marketing Today, we interview top ClickBank client Mike Cecchin about his experience in translating and selling successful English language products in international markets. This episode follows ClickBank’s recent announcement that we now fully support sales in 6 languages and 31 currencies, opening up more opportunities for ClickBank vendors and affiliates to cash in on a global customer base”. Affiliate... [...]

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