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Monday, March 10, 2025

Would you leave your home unlocked and the door open? #ad

Being careless about your security can cause your downfall. Unfortunately, according to the Ponemon Institute, 73%+ of website owners are doing the same to their business, with little or no security in place. The door is wide open to hackers. Is your site one of them? The sad truth is that you’re never too small to get hacked. But there are answers to the hacking epidemic. Since 2012, Matt Garrett has been developing and refining his BlogDefender software that protects WordPress blogs from hacks and malware. Each year or so, he presents a refined version with new sophistication and adaptations... [...]

How to make your site invisible to hackers #ad

Your WordPress site may be a “sitting duck”, that poachers are ready to steal. The default settings for WordPress don’t fully protect you from hackers or from their botnet tools that are roaming the net looking for unprotected sites. Based on the principle that if a hacker can’t find your sensitive system files, then they can’t hack them, Matt Garrett developed BlogDefender software to hide the important files used to run your site so hackers don’t have a clue about how to hack it. For examples, if hackers don’t know which version of WordPress you are using... [...]

BlogDefender: Hackers want in your WP site. Stop them cold #ad

When his blog was attacked by hackers, Matt Garrett decided to never let that happen again. So he developed BlogDefender software that keeps hackers away by sending a site into nearly invisible mode. Once BlogDefender is through adjusting your site’s settings, botnets and hackers are thwarted when they try to find the cracks in your WordPress security. The cracks have been sealed. By default, WordPress is very “chatty”. It tells a visitor many details about your installation, details that hackers can use to worm their way into your control center, where they can damage your site... [...]

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