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Saturday, February 8, 2025

How to Write a Blog Post Fast [Video]

Blogging is a challenging but rewarding task. Quality blog posts help you attract more audiences that can be converted into customers. In his newest video, ‘How to Write a Blog Post Fast’, Neil Patel has shared some useful blogging tips. He says, “How to write a blog post fast. Look, one of the big things with my success when it comes to marketing is because I’ve been able to write a lot of content over the last 20 years. Sounds like a long time but it’s allowed me to attract literally hundreds of millions of people to my websites. And I get roughly just 2 million... [...]

Here’s Why You Need a Blog

A well-designed and regularly updated blog can boost your content marketing and help you to get new customers. Blogging also enables you to establish yourself as an authority in the area of your business. John Chow has shared five reasons why you should create a blog. Chow says, “Indeed, there are many reasons why you SHOULD start blogging. Let’s explore five of them. 1. You Wholly Own the Content On some level, it’s true that you “own” the content that you post on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. On another level, you really don’t. You have no control over... [...]

On-Page SEO Guide [SEO Tips & Tricks for Bloggers]

Here’s a guest post by Sherisse Rogers. When you’re starting off as a blogger its seems like there is a neverending list of things you need to do to make your blog successful. You have to: Have a nice design Posts regularly Build an email list Create a lead magnet to help grow your list Network with other bloggers Find good affiliate offers And a whole host of tips for new bloggers!! Geez! Then, once your blog is gaining some traction some jerk tells you that you need to do on-page SEO so that your site shows up organically. First of all, WHAT IS SEO? Secondly, WHAT IS ON-PAGE... [...]

Viral Blogging Traffic: Smart, Fast, Easy, Targeted Traffic #ad

There’s a better way to blog, a way that avoids the hassles of SEO and keyword research, Tom Ness calls it Viral Blogging Traffic. Use Facebook to get hundreds, or possibly thousands, of interested people to visit your blog, by using the Facebook Like system. Viral Blogging Traffic is a step-by-step video tutorial on how to take advantage of the opportunities Facebook offers. By spending about an hour daily, you can get a significant number (Ness says it will be “hundreds or even thousands”) of interested people to your blog, where you can show them products to improve their... [...]

‘What’s Your Biggest Fear About Blogging?’ By Denise Wakeman

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Denise says, “I saw the results of a poll on SmartBrief asking: What’s Your Biggest Fear About Blogging? Can you guess????” [Build a Better Blog] […]  [...]

‘Is Blogging Dead?’ by Keith Baxter

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Keith says, “Two people that I trust have changed part of their business models online”. [Affiliate Radio Blog] […]  [...]

‘Need Fresh Blogging Ideas?’ by Lynn Terry

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Lynn Terry says, “What do you do when you’re out of blogging ideas??”. [Lynn Terry’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Blogging And Why They Need To Simmer’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Blogging And Why They Need To Simmer”. [Ken Nadreau’s Article] […]  [...]

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