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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

‘5 Tips to Turn Your Company’s Sustainable Practices Into Marketing Opportunities’ –

Alex Wolk says, “In our world of a million distractions, classic selling points like design or price might no longer be enough to sway consumers to your company. It’s become imperative these days for your brand to tell a story and better yet, to stand for something. With climate change and pollution at the top of many people’s minds, many companies have sought to make their business practices more environmentally friendly not only as a matter of principle but also as a way to leverage their efforts into a marketing device. Many consumers are looking to buy products that don’t hurt... [...]

‘B2B Operations: 5 Tips to Ease the Transition to E-commerce’ –

George Anderson says, “It’s no secret that e-commerce adoption in the B2B market is still light-years behind B2C. The B2B market is extremely complex, and B2B e-commerce websites aren’t as simple as B2C online stores. This complexity has kept B2B selling largely in offline mode. However, all of that is changing. As Forrester reports, the B2B e-commerce market is expected to reach $1.2 trillion in the next 5 years. B2B companies are pursuing e-commerce solutions with a vigor which we haven’t seen before. Today’s B2B executives and operations managers understand the benefits which... [...]

‘5 Tips to Turn Your Company’s Sustainable Practices Into Marketing Opportunities’ –

Alex Wolk says, “In our world of a million distractions, classic selling points like design or price might no longer be enough to sway consumers to your company. It’s become imperative these days for your brand to tell a story and better yet, to stand for something. With climate change and pollution at the top of many people’s minds, many companies have sought to make their business practices more environmentally friendly not only as a matter of principle but also as a way to leverage their efforts into a marketing device. Many consumers are looking to buy products that don’t hurt... [...]

‘B2B Operations: 5 Tips to Ease the Transition to E-commerce’ –

George Andersom says, “It’s no secret that e-commerce adoption in the B2B market is still light-years behind B2C. The B2B market is extremely complex, and B2B e-commerce websites aren’t as simple as B2C online stores. This complexity has kept B2B selling largely in offline mode. However, all of that is changing. As Forrester reports, the B2B e-commerce market is expected to reach $1.2 trillion in the next 5 years. B2B companies are pursuing e-commerce solutions with a vigor which we haven’t seen before. Today’s B2B executives and operations managers understand the benefits which... [...]

‘4 Businesses with Killer Branding Campaigns’ –

Blair Nicole says, “An overwhelming number of new businesses hear the term “branding” and run scared in the other direction. There’s a startling misconception that branding is something that only big, established businesses need to worry about. The reality is quite the opposite. Every brand, especially a new business, needs a voice. Every business needs a way to convey to customers and clients what their value is and what they stand for. A marketing campaign devoid of branding strategy is quite simply a marketing campaign that will fail to deliver. Statistics have proven time and... [...]

‘Snapchat Spectacles: More About the Latest Social Media Craze’ –

Jesse Boskoff says, “Snapchat has just released its exclusive Spectacles, which are a pair of glasses that allow wearers to record video with just a tap of the finger. Videos are recorded for 10 seconds after each tap and can be upload straight to Snapchat. Once the short video clips are recorded by the glasses, they are stored in the Memories section of the user’s Snapchat account to be selected for sharing. These glasses are in high demand but can be very difficult to track down. Right now, Snapchat has only offered them through purchase from their vending machines, which are stationed... [...]

‘How the Podcast is Changing Advertising’ –

Jeremy Ryan Slate says, “The press tour has changed, it’s just a point of reality. The current trend may be something that will stick around for quite some time. The podcast has become the modern equivalent of the press tour, and one with much better ROI, due to host’s connection and influence with the listener. The podcast is the ultimate in user experience because it can be listened to at the leisure of the user. In addition, they have access to entire catalogs of content due to apps like Stitcher and the iPhone podcasts app coming standard on most devices. According to podcast host... [...]

‘How Developers Should Market an App’ –

Silvio Porcellana says, “It is becoming increasingly difficult for low budget app developers to get noticed in today’s crowded marketplace, due to the market saturation as well as a lack of a clear marketing strategy. Developing a strategy for promoting your app can mean the difference between a Flappy Bird and an Everpix. What’s Everpix? Well, back in 2012, they were set to be the biggest photo sorting app on the app store and with more than 55,000 members, they had the beginnings of a loyal customer base. But they put all their eggs in the ‘development’ basket and neglected the... [...]

‘Beyond Google and Facebook: 4 Reasons to Look at Other Online Marketing Channels’ –

Keval Padia says, “As people search for brands across multiple channels, the complexity of targeting right customers with right messages is greater than ever before. Digital advertisers have relied on web cookies since the last two decades, but with the advent of smart mobility, this old strategy won’t work. Brands need to connect with consumers directly and then measure every campaign outcome, to appeal to different platforms. While Google is still the search engine leader, Bing is surging ahead in grabbing search engine market share, while Yahoo! Is trying to recover lost ground... [...]

‘4 Quick Tips for E-Commerce Sites to Capture Holiday Traffic’ –

Holly Miller says, “Without question, November and December are among the busiest months of the year. If you work for an e-commerce brand, in many cases the development teams have placed a hold on any new SEO or development requests. So what do you do? How can you make the most of the job searchers looking for information on what’s best for them and the people they’re shopping for? During the past holiday season, mobile searches related to “best gift” grew 70 percent year over year while searches related to cheap or inexpensive gifts grew about 35 percent.The following on-page... [...]

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