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Saturday, February 8, 2025

‘4 Reasons Why You MUST Have A Blog’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “4 Reasons Why You MUST Have A Blog”. Jynell Berkshire says, “If you are like most business owners, you have invested a lot of effort and money in building a web site that contains information about your products or services. However, this content may become static and rarely change. This may happen as a result of your busy schedule, not knowing how to make changes to the site, or simply thinking you don’t need to do anything further after the site has been built. Although you may think your web site contains everything your customers... [...]

‘Building A Buss Using Social Media’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “Building A Buss Using Social Media”. Jynell Berkshire says, “Now, more than ever, having a social media presence online is critical to the growth of any business. Regardless of whether you are a large or small business, social media can help you to stay ahead of your competition, attract new customers, increase sales of your products or services, and strengthen your relationships with existing customers. Social media is all about relationships…relationships with a twist.  The twist is finding creative ways to sell your products or... [...]

‘How To Use Crowd Funding Instead of Banks’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “How To Use Crowd Funding Instead of Banks”. Denise Gosnell says, “It’s no secret that the global banking world is in the middle of a crisis.  Many banks in the United States, for example, received government bailouts that were supposed to help stimulate more loans to small businesses as one objective. But unfortunately, the money doesn’t seem to be making its way to enough small businesses yet – at least not from my perspective.  I’m sure there are cases where the bailout money has actually helped small business growth and... [...]

‘The Easiest Way To Start Making Money Online’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “The Easiest Way To Start Making Money Online”. Jynell Berkshire says, “Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. This is especially true if you don’t have your own products to sell or if you want to add diversity to what you already sell. As an affiliate marketer, you are given your own unique links to a product so the seller knows when a customer you referred buys their product. The seller then pays you a commission, a percentage of the sale, in return for referring the buyer. So let’s look at three steps you can... [...]

‘Making Money with Newsletters (and iPhone Apps)’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “Making Money with Newsletters (and iPhone Apps)”. Denise Gosnell says, “Remember how just five years ago, everyone was more excited to receive emails than they are today?  In the past few years, we have all been getting more emails than ever before.  We now have to decide in a split second which emails to delete, and which ones to keep. This means that even if someone gave you their email address willingly, you will still have to deliver great value to that person over time, or they will opt-out of your mailing list and tell you to... [...]

‘The Easiest Way To Partner With Amazon’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “The Easiest Way To Partner With Amazon”. Jynell Berkshire says, “What if I told you that you have been sitting on a home based business that you could be operating out of your home tomorrow, and you probably don’t even know about it? This business has literally been right underneath your nose for years. You may be wondering what business I am talking about. It is the used book business. Millions and millions of used books are sold every year. It is the one commodity you have used in your life and will continue to use for years to come”. The... [...]

‘Turn Procrastination Into Productivity’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “Turn Procrastination Into Productivity”. Jynell Berkshire says, “As a business owner, your life is extremely busy. You work long hours and have days where you are overloaded with information and tasks. The constant information overload makes it impossible to get everything done, regardless if you like what you are doing or not. But then there are those days where you initially put things off because you don’t think you know how to do it, or simply can’t get it done because you have no one helping you”. Turn Procrastination Into... [...]

‘The Most Lucrative Client That Everyone Overlooks’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “The Most Lucrative Client That Everyone Overlooks”. Jynell Berkshire says, “Business owners are constantly looking for ways to expand. However, the U.S. government and its major buying power are often overlooked as a potential client. The U.S. government is the #1 buyer of goods and services in the country. The government buys every type of product and service on the planet. They buy everything from ink pens to toilet paper, to fleet vehicles and consulting services, and pretty much everything else you can imagine”. The Most Lucrative... [...]

‘How To Create 3 Products From One Simple Report’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “How To Make Money While You Sleep”. Jynell Berkshire says, “The best type of business to have is one that generates residual income for you, even while you sleep. Denise covered this in greater detail in Tuesday’s issue. One of the fastest ways to get started in information publishing is by selling information products on Amazon, especially if you already have existing content. Since Amazon is the largest online bookseller in the world, you would be crazy if you didn’t look for ways to leverage Amazon to reach... [...]

‘How To Make Money While You Sleep’ – ‘Business Thrival’ Blog

The latest ‘Business Thrival’ blog post is titled “How To Make Money While You Sleep”. Denise Gosnell says, “I’ve talked in previous issues about the house fire that destroyed my dream home back on June 20, 2011. Our house was struck by lightening, and caught fire right above my 6-year old daughter’s bedroom. Thankfully, we all escaped without injury. I don’t know how I could have survived that disaster financially if I worked for someone else. It took so much time to deal with settling the insurance claim, replacing our worldly belongings (even down to the... [...]

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