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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

‘The Top 5 Online Marketing Myths Busted’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest ‘Marketing for Success’ blog post is titled “The Top 5 Online Marketing Myths Busted”. Cook says, “Do you believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, and the Tooth Fairy? In business an amazing number of people think the web functions like all of these rolled into one. Now I don’t want to burst your bubble (actually I do) but most small business owners I talk to and the ones that hire me to help them are struggling because they believe”. The Top 5 Online Marketing Myths Busted Charlie Cook’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Earn Your First Million’ by Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins’ guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How To Earn Your First Million”. Hopkins says, “I’m sure you’ve heard other people say it. And I’m sure like many things you may have let it slip. But in my experience, there is one simple task which precedes profits. Practically every modern thinker or speaker on the subject of success extols the benefits of”. How To Earn Your First Million Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Secret To Selling With Facebook Marketing’ by Nickolay Lamm

Nickolay Lamm’ guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Secret To Selling With Facebook Marketing”. Lamm says, “A friend of mine recently boasted to me about how many Facebook fans his local business has hundreds of fans. “How many of those fans live in your area?” I asked. “Uhh, about 20% of them,” he said”. The Secret To Selling With Facebook Marketing Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The One Thing Every Sales Person Should Do’ by Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins’ guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The One Thing Every Sales Person Should Do”. Hopkins says, “I’m going to be straight with you. If you’re in sales, you talk too much! Or at least most sales people do, and it kills their sales. If you want to sell more the answer is simple”. The One Thing Every Sales Person Should Do Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Secret To Getting Lifelong Customers (and Employees)’ by Tom Borg

Tom Borg’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Secret To Getting Lifelong Customers (and Employees)”. Borg says, “Have you ever bought a product expecting one thing, but instead received something totally different. The quality is off and it’s not at all what you’d imagined. Chances are, you’ll never do business with them again”. The Secret To Getting Lifelong Customers (and Employees) Marketing for Success  [...]

‘How To Triple Your Market At No Cost’ by Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins’ guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How To Triple Your Market At No Cost”. Hopkins says, “You’ve got a great product, great marketing and tons of loyal clients. Your business has been growing and you’re finally at the point where you feel comfortable taking some risks. You could sit back”. How To Triple Your Market At No Cost Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The 86,000 Time Management Secret’ by Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins’ guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The 86,000 Time Management Secret”. Hopkins says, “What is your most basic resource? It’s not money, not brains, not who you know. Your most basic resource is time. And unless you use your time well, you’ll never even get a glimpse of”. The 86,000 Time Management Secret Marketing for Success  [...]

‘Mindset: How To Fulfill Your Profit Potential’ by Tom Borg

Tom Borg’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “Mindset: How To Fulfill Your Profit Potential”. Borg says, “An aircraft carrier must have a captain at the ship’s main controls to guide and direct its’ ocean journey. Without a focused or alert captain, it will end up hopelessly lost or run aground”. Mindset: How To Fulfill Your Profit Potential Marketing for Success  [...]

‘How To Make Your Pie Grow Bigger’ by Tom Borg

Tom Borg’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How To Make Your Pie Grow Bigger”. Borg says, “There is an analogy we use when we think about our marketplace, it is like a pie that can only get bigger. In order for that to be true, we must be able to think differently. Many times we limit our opportunities to grow our business or organization by not looking outside of the perimeter of our present client base”. How To Make Your Pie Grow Bigger Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Surefire Way To Get More Sales’ by Tom Borg

Tom Borg’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Surefire Way To Get More Sales”. Borg says, “During a recent session with a small business owner, I explained to him how important it is to sincerely complement his employees. This person tended to not pay genuine compliments to his employees. Instead, he would”. The Surefire Way To Get More Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

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