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Monday, March 31, 2025

ChatterPal deal ends at midnight (Price doubles; bonuses expire) #ad

Today is your final chance to get ChatterPal at the introductory price. (Actually, thr price has risen a bit, bit it i still a one-time fee, not a monthly subscription). As we reported, within the first 8 hours, over 10,000 copies were sold to marketers who knew the value tht talking autobots ho could speak 27 languages could bring to any online marketing project. Marketers and business owners around the world have begun using ChatterPal to do things like: • Grow their email email list, • Get more sales • Boost conversions and • Drive more results Paul Ponna has kept the introductory... [...]

ChatterPal (interactive sales avatars) Deal Ending #ad

ChatterPal is an intelligent sales engine for any online business. It gives your business Interactive 3D Talking Avatars that engage with your customers to give them information, answers to questions and calls to action. It leverages the power of “artificial intelligence” and “3D Animation” to boost your lead collection, conversions, and sales It includes “best of breed” capabilities, such as: ► Talking 3D avatars, ► Intelligent smart chat automation, ► Text-to-speech, with instant-lip sync, ► One-click translation (24 languages supported), ► An intelligent... [...]

ChatterPal: Interactive 3D Talking Marketing Avatars #ad

In just 9 hours, on grand opening day, over 4,000 copies of the new ChatterPal software have been bought. Clearly, small business marketers are realizing the value of having talking avatars in their marketing. ChatterPal leverages the power of “artificial intelligence” to boost conversions, sales and leads on any website faster than ever before! It merges “3D Animation” and “Smart Chat Automation” to give you results like this: ► Boost conversions, sales and results on your website. ► Build your email list without requiring optin-forms or landing pages. ►... [...]

ChatterPal: 3D avatars speak 24 languages, 55 voices & accents #ad

ChatterPal is live today at 3 PM EST. This is powerful software for building engagement from your website visitors. Its creator, Paul Ponna is holding a Prelaunch Webinar at 2 PM EST, to demo the operation of this software. During the demo, he will be giving away 20 copies of ChatterPal and $100 to some lucky attendees and will offer special bonuses to attendees who invest in this new solution to every marketer’s problem of keeping visitors on their website engaged. This new software creates life-like 3-dimensional avatars that interactively converse with your visitors, helping the visitors... [...]

ChatterPal: how to get attention online, coming soon #ad

Paul Ponna is releasing new software later this week, called ChatterPal. It merges cutting-edge “Interactive 3D Avatar” technology with AI-based “SMART Chat Automation” to deliver results that no typical chat application can. Your chats can take advantage of over 100 Text-To-Speech voices in 25 languages. As you might have guessed, ChatterPal takes advantage of the Alexa Amazon voices, just as Script Vocalizer did earlier this month. You can use these chatty avatars (which have many customization options) to offer coupons, book appointments, take custom orders, offer customer... [...]

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