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Monday, March 10, 2025

World’s First, Fastest Automated Video Creation Software #ad

The PressCable team, led by Chris Munch is releasing a new piece of video creation software on Thursday, called VidBullet. They designed it to be the best-ever tool to use to create and then publish a large quantity of engaging video content, while only spending a minimum of effort and cost. This is going to be helpful to a lot of people so we wanted to give you advance notice, so you can plan to get in early and get a chance to win a commercial license. VidBullet is 100% automated with no manual editing needed, you can create and automatically publish a massive number of these videos in a small... [...]

Headline Handgun: headlines that get marketing results #ad

Chris Munch says there’s a simple solution to the low traffic and low sales many marketers experience; he says it can mean ” the difference between getting 10 visitors or 10,000″. What is it? A Great Headline. Your headline is what makes readers want to find out what you have to say. Newspapers have learned this lesson long ago. Their best writers write the headlines. Good headlines are the key to profitable, low cost-per-click PPC and paid traffic campaigns. The more clicks you get, the lower your cost per click will be. And the more attention your links in the search results... [...]

Quality backlinks for your site without a fuss #ad

Ranking your site comes down to the quality and quantity of your backlinks. Clearly, the anchor text for your backlinks affects quality, but there’s such a thing as over-optimized anchor text. Natural links have a variety of anchor text; links to your site need to have the variety, too. For example, if your site has 100 backlinks, and 50 of them say ‘best coffee maker’, Google isn’t going to rank you for ‘best coffee maker’. That’s not natural, and it screams “fake backlinks”. The backlink profile of a natural authority site is much more along... [...]

Rank your sites with record speed and effectiveness #ad

Chris Munch has just released a free training video on earning high rankings in the search engines. It will be followed by 2 more and then by a live webinar in which he will share his methods for using press releases to get high rankings. As you might guess, he is leading up to a new product launch next week. He calls it SkyRanker. His thesis is that by using press releases wisely, you can achieve a high ranking in record time. He is showing you in these videos and in the live webinar how to do that. That’s good information, useful whether or not you decide to invest in his press release... [...]

Build viral content for your site manually or automatically #ad

“Pillar Traffic” comes a long-forgotten term in the internet marketing world, “pillar content.” The idea was popular with bloggers several years ago and referred to traffic campaigns where bloggers would create specific types of very engaging content that their audience would share with their friends. Eventually, this dropped from most people’s radar. However, in part because it is no longer overused, it’s even more useful in bringing in new traffic now than ever. Chris Munch and his team are reviving this once popular traffic method. They have developed software... [...]

Use “Hook Pages” to create viral content #ad

The latest software from Chris Munch is Hook Pages, a tool to build the popularity of your website using great content. The key to hook pages is something Munch calls “pillar content”. His sales page has a video that explains what he means in detail. But, in summary, “Pillar Content” refers to high-quality content that conveys the theme of your site. These are the posts that people share with their friends. And people will know what kind of content to expect when they come back. Creating pillar content is beneficial for increasing the visitor count for your site, as well... [...]

Chris Munch launches Hook Pages at 11 AM EDT #ad

Chris Munch is known as a prolific creator of marketing tools. His latest is Hook Pages. The key to hook pages is something Munch calls “pillar content”. He has created 3 videos available (with free opt-in) from his “soon-to-be sales page” that explains what he means. If you are short on time, skip video 1. There’s a lot of good information in video 2 on finding and using pillar content. “Pillar Content” refers to high-quality content that sets the theme of your site, so people will know what to expect when they come back. His video explains things like: •... [...]

LoveClaw Unlimited Webinar: rank for competitive keywords #ad

Chris Munch released his LoveClaw plugin about a month ago. It lets you get more social media links to your content by encouraging people to share their opinions. LoveClaw Emotional Traffic Technology has proven to be more powerful at pulling Social Votes, encouraging Social Engagement and getting Content Shared across the web even more effectively than Facebook’s own Like Button. To help people take full advantage of LoveClaw, Munch has a webinar scheduled on Thursday, May 23, when he presents a new way of looking at and using LoveClaw. On The Live Webinar Munch will Be Showing: • How... [...]

State Of SEO 2013: Chris Munch updates your SEO strategy #ad

Yesterday’s SEO techniques have lost a lot of their power. Google’s changes have de-emphasized backlinks (without eliminating their value altogether.) Munch has just released P&T Optimization (P.T.O) training, showing the methods of smart linking to your site that actually get results in 2013. These tend to include social sites that link (and you might be surprised at which social site works best.) Munch says that PTO has replaced a lot of SEO SEO, and not only that, it’s easier to do than traditional off-site SEO. Munch says that when done right, PTO can result in improved... [...]

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