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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Read This Before Removing Outdated Website Content

Content is the most important element that helps you make your website or a blog worth visiting for the people. You may have heard the saying, ‘old is gold’, meaning that website content you have kept available from years past is valuable and should normally be preserved. Content Marketing Institute contributor Mike Murray has published an article highlighting four SEO factors you need to consider before removing old content. He says, “Before deleting or redirecting the content, size up your situation and consider actions that could protect your website traffic and the business... [...]

Importance of Visual Content in your Content Marketing Strategy

Robert Katai of Content Marketing Institute has posted an article showing importance of visual content. Visual content enables the marketers to give an emotional touch to the marketing efforts. UX/UI designer, web designer, graphic designer, creative director, visual content creator and art director play vital role in the development fo the visual content that leads to successful marketing. Katai says, “If you think creating a lot of content will bring you the results you want, well my friend, let me tell you that you are wrong. Creating a lot of content, articles, videos, and social media... [...]

‘6 Quick-and-Dirty Ways to Beat Writer’s Block’ – CMI

Alex Jasin says, “A severe case of writer’s block could lead you to rethink how often you publish. But here’s the thing: Publishing regularly gives you a chance to be an authority in your field by consistently providing value to your audience. It gives you a chance to engage them in the comments, social media, and email. Most importantly, it lets you create a relationship with your audience. Instead of battling your writer’s block by publishing less, combat it by finding muses that help you deliver relevant content to your audience. Here are six tips. 1. Look for inspiration in keywords Keywords... [...]

‘Are Your Buyer Personas Ready to Take on the World?’ – CMI

Marcia  says, “Customers’ concerns vary, sometimes dramatically, across regions and cultures. Because these variations present business opportunities, you might expect global companies’ buyer personas to reflect those variations. In fact, many organizations miss this opportunity, applying one set of personas everywhere. Even organizations that have regional or cultural personas may lack the insights they need to succeed across markets.   Sometimes, even small differences between regional and cultural personas affect the bottom line, according to Cassio Politi. In his talk at 2016 Content... [...]

’23 Quotes to Inspire Your Content Marketing and the Difference You Can Make’ – CMI

Michele Linn says, “Are you feeling in a rut with your marketing? Or are you looking to be energized? I turn to these quotes – from inside and outside our industry – when I need an injection of inspiration. I share this compilation to help you think differently about your content, focus on doing less, prioritize the important, and give yourself space to create. Think differently about the content you publish  Do you ever have one of those days where you wonder why you are even in this business? Why are you spending time creating / writing / publishing? This quote from Jolie Miller,... [...]

‘The Content Assembly Line is Broken’ – CMI

Doug Kessler says, “As companies turn their content marketing efforts up to 11, we’re seeing our own little industrial revolution, moving the content creation process from the craft workshop to the high-volume assembly line. The conditions are right: We have the division of labor – research teams, copywriters, designers, developers, experts in search, and social. We have enormous pressure to create more content faster – to lubricate our lead-nurture flows and fill our virtual funnels. And we have a precedent – as Henry Ford and earlier pioneers proved that assembly lines dramatically... [...]

‘Account-Based Marketing: What Content Marketers Need to Know’ – CMI

Ann Gynn says, “To market its webinar, InsightSquared went the extra mile. It bought 248 copies of the presenter’s book. The author autographed the books with an invitation to attend the webinar. Each one included a bookmark with a URL to register. Then, the company targeted everybody who visited its website with the same domain as an invitee. Webinar day arrived. Six people attended. A complete content marketing disaster. But at the end of the quarter, the book-invitation webinar campaign was the most effective one to influence the deals that got done”. Account-Based Marketing:... [...]

‘A Proven Process to Curate and Publish a Roundup of Industry Influencers’ – CMI

Daniel Knowlton says, “Have you tried putting together a list of top industry influencers? Curating and publishing this type of list, while reaching out to featured influencers, is proven to create a large amount of exposure for your blog from a highly targeted audience. This tutorial will walk you through the process. Though I focused on social media influencers, the process can work for just about any industry. How is this different from every other influencer list strategy? First off, this strategy uses a proven process that has delivered significant exposure to my content more than once.... [...]

‘5 Modern Content Marketing Best Practices for Getting Found’ – CMI

Sen Van Guilder says, “You have a content calendar. You have a blog. You have a social media strategy. All you’re missing is, well, the big kahuna: audience share that reflects the value of all the fantastic content you’ve created to promote your brand and your services to the big wide world. When it comes to content marketing, it’s imperative to stay current with SEO best practices to ensure that your content has the best shot of appearing high on search engine results pages. That means getting crazy smart about how search engines view your content, and how they prioritize rankings... [...]

‘4 Metrics to Track Impact of Content Marketing on Brand Awareness’ – CMI

Sujan Patel says, “Before you create content to boost brand awareness, it’s important to consider whether you’re creating the right type of content. Take infographics. These are most often used as a link-building tool. That’s fine, if gaining links is your goal. Infographics aren’t so effective, however, if what you really want is to increase awareness of your brand. That’s because publishers tend to favor infographics that keep branding to a bare minimum – usually a logo hidden right at the bottom of the content. Conversely, if you want to create content that exposes your brand... [...]

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