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Thursday, February 20, 2025

‘How to Get Control of Your Digital Content: Lessons From Intel’ – CMI

Marcia Riefer Johnston says, “Do you shrug when managers ask what impact your content efforts have on the bottom line? Are you tired of fighting about who does what with your content? Do you have too much content and need a better way to manage it all? Sure, everyone knows that content is (or should be) a business asset. But how do you make it so – and prove it? You might follow Intel’s example. In this article, I summarize what Intel’s digital-governance team has been up to these last two years and the stunning results it has reaped. Everything in this article comes from the Content... [...]

‘Ann Handley on How to Make Your Writing ‘Ludicrously Spectacular’’ – CMI

Ann Gynn says, “Best-selling author Ann Handley has the secret to level-up your writing skills. She shared it at Content Marketing World. Now, I share it with you. Many of us might think that the secret to becoming a “ludicrously spectacular” writer is magic. Or an innate talent or gift. But Ann gave us the cold reality: To be a better writer requires showing up every day and doing the work. And with that realization understood, she took off to reveal the five levels of her writing pyramid and some tools to help along the way. Level 1: Don’t write The level that should consume most... [...]

’13 Steps to Live Stream Video the Smart Way’ – CMI

Josh Brown says, “Live-stream video combines some of the most tried-and-true methods of engaging with your audience with innovative opportunities to engage a step further. But there’s more to building engagement than what happens during the broadcasting. There’s a lot you can do before, during, and after you go live to squeeze as much value as you can out of every live video. From understanding your purpose to measuring your ROI — and everything in between — you have to address many factors for live video to make sense and work for your brand. Let’s take a look at 13 areas in four... [...]

‘LinkedIn Publishing Trends Every Marketer Must Know’ – CMI

Susan Moeller says, “If you want to get your content noticed, you need to pay more attention to one social network, and I’m not talking about Facebook. LinkedIn has seen explosive growth in the number of articles published on the platform. It also plays an increasingly significant role in content distribution for articles published on other domains. For some topics, LinkedIn is the most important network for social shares. The number of LinkedIn users also is growing, reaching over 430 million in 2016, as Business Insider reports”. LinkedIn Publishing Trends Every Marketer Must Know Content... [...]

‘How to Build a Smart Yet Simple Social Media Marketing Plan’ – CMI

Jodi Harris says, “One of the core tasks involved in documenting your content marketing strategy is to develop your social media marketing plan, also known as your channel plan. This plan details where you will distribute your content and what you can expect to achieve by doing so. Many brands mistakenly assume that they need to post their content anywhere and everywhere. But plastering your brand’s content across every social network, trendy news site, and video platform that comes along is not a channel plan — it’s more like a channel pipe bomb: It might spray content shrapnel as... [...]

‘How to Give Your Best Blog Posts New Life’ – CMI

Michele Linn says, “Are you looking for ways to get your content out there while saving time? If so, have you considered republishing your best-performing posts? This past year, we experimented with republishing our best posts on CMI. Thus far, the results are impressive. The republished posts perform well in terms of traffic, social shares, and email conversions. Additionally, they save our editorial team time. Of course, republishing posts is not a new idea. Many sites use this approach. However, we have had a specific challenge at CMI: Our URLs contain the year and month of publication.... [...]

‘How to Build a Smart Yet Simple Social Media Marketing Plan’ – CMI

Jodi Harris says, “One of the core tasks involved in documenting your content marketing strategy is to develop your social media marketing plan, also known as your channel plan. This plan details where you will distribute your content and what you can expect to achieve by doing so. Many brands mistakenly assume that they need to post their content anywhere and everywhere. But plastering your brand’s content across every social network, trendy news site, and video platform that comes along is not a channel plan — it’s more like a channel pipe bomb: It might spray content shrapnel as... [...]

‘Play Marketball: Turn Disconnected Teams Into High Performers’ – CMI

Andrea Fryrear says, “In his 2003 book Moneyball, Michael Lewis recounts how the management of the Oakland Athletics revolutionized baseball by relying on statistical analyses rather than intuition to choose new players. Before General Manager Billy Beane turned a single metric — on-base plus slugging (OPS) — into his North Star for every decision, team managers preferred strategies that were unlikely to fail rather than those that seemed most efficient. “The pain of looking bad,” Lewis writes, “is worse than the gain of making the best move.” As a content marketing manager tasked... [...]

‘9 Brilliant Tactics to Promote Your Blog Content on Facebook’ – CMI

Karola Karlson says, “There are countless ways to promote your blog content, but most of them are incredibly time-consuming. While reaching out to influencers or earning backlinks are both superior tactics, marketers rarely have the time to complete these tasks. With Facebook Audience Network now reaching over 1 billion people every month, the social media platform is increasingly popular among marketers. And there’s a good reason for it: Facebook’s highly specific audience-targeting allows you to reach just the right people at the right time. Here’s why you should promote your content... [...]

‘7 Apps and Tools Obsessed by Content Marketers’ – CMI

Clare McDermott says, “We all have those go-to apps or tools. You know, those icons you instinctively tap and that frustrate you when they’re switched to a different position on the page. Or those sites you don’t even need to bookmark because they pop up when you type the first letter in the address bar. I appreciate learning what others consider their most-loved sites or apps so I can consider adding them to my repertoire. This month, I asked seven people connected to CCO magazine to share with you a manageable list of a diverse group of must-have tools to help improve your work life. Headspace Taking... [...]

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