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Thursday, February 27, 2025

“CPA $10,000 Per Day”, new CPA training #ad

We have seen several other CPA training from Tian Tian Xiang Shang. Because his name is hard for western ears to grasp, he calls himself Mr Right in the forums. Mr. Right experiments with different methods of generating traffic for CPA offers. When he finds one that works for him, he writes it up and adds it to his signature training, CPA $10,000 Per Day. He has been doing this for years, and this is his 9th or 10th version, each new version adding new, tested methods for building a CPA business. One nice thing about his training is that you can use only free traffic and you don’t even... [...]

Kick Back CPA: A CPA strategy that works #ad

Kick Back CPA is suitable for a beginner, but valuable new ideas for an experienced CPA marketer. In this traiing, Arron Reeves has thought outside of the box and has found a novel, creative way to make money with CPA Offers. To implement this method, you need: – A Domain name (no hosting needed unless you want) – Be able to send emails and make phone calls (but no cold calling) – An account with a cpa network for access to the particular offer Kick Back CPA is based on – Some cash for materials needed (not more than $50) So you can do CPA marketing with no website, no... [...]

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