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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

‘Individualistic self-esteem and purchase behavior’ by Daniel Levis

Daniel Levis’ latest blog post is titled “Individualistic self-esteem and purchase behavior”. Daniel says, “In my travels from office to home to office, and back again, I often stop in at the local Tim Horton’s Donuts for a cup o’ the black juice from hell. If you’re a foreigner, Tim Horton’s is the Canadian equivalent of Starbucks — sort of … The coffee is much better (IMHO)”. Individualistic self-esteem and purchase behavior ‘Info-Marketers’ Blog  [...]

‘Chapter 11 of 42, from The Web Marketing Advisor…’ by Daniel Levis

Daniel Levis’ latest blog post is titled “Chapter 11 of 42, from  The Web Marketing Advisor…”. Daniel says, “As copywriters and marketers, the more we understand about the basic functioning of the human brain — how it “sees” the world around it, how it processes, stores, and retrieves information— the easier it is for us to harness our own creative intelligence, while successfully influencing the minds of others. The mind, at its most fundamental level, thinks in pictures — it sees and then stores information, even the most complex of information, as simple picture-symbols”. Chapter... [...]

‘Using These 3 Easy Profit Multipliers?’ by Daniel Levis

Daniel Levis’ latest blog post is titled “Using These 3 Easy Profit Multipliers?”. Daniel says, “When I began my career in selling, I was about as green as a Chinese cabbage. Luckily, I also had a thick skin… and what I lacked in finesse I made up for in good old piss and vinegar … Back in the Stone Age, believe it or not, we used to walk around cold calling on business people in the flesh. And one day my unbridled enthusiasm for rejection almost got me ejected from a perfectly good prospect’s office. I had barged in without an appointment, and began delivering a sales talk”. Using... [...]

‘The Stupid Simple Way to Repeat Sales Nirvana and Unbridled Marketing Success’ by Daniel Levis

Daniel Levis’ latest blog post is titled “The Stupid Simple Way to Repeat Sales Nirvana and Unbridled Marketing Success”. [Daniel Levis’ Blog] […]  [...]

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