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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘Kindle, Amazon and EBooks – Digital Publishing is HOT! [survey]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle, Amazon and EBooks – Digital Publishing is HOT! [survey]”. Wakeman says, “No doubt you know that Digital Publishing is a hot topic. Whenever I host a webinar on Kindle or Nook publishing, or a write a post or mention my down and dirty way to publish your first Kindle ebook, folks go nuts over the information.  When I discussed this with my friend and collegue Ellen Britt, she mentioned having a similar experience. So, we decided to explore trend further. We wanted to know how businesses”. Kindle, Amazon and EBooks – Digital... [...]

‘Flaunt Your Facebook Page!’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Flaunt Your Facebook Page!”. Wakeman says, “Want some more visibility for your Facebook Business page?  In recognition of Facebook switching all business pages to the new Timeline format, I’m hosting FLAUNT YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE on my page. httpvh:// Share the link or tag your Facebook business page so you can take advantage of the visibility of being”. Flaunt Your Facebook Page! Biz Tips Blog  [...]

‘7 Simple Strategies to Profit from Video Marketing [webinar replay]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “7 Simple Strategies to Profit from Video Marketing [webinar replay]”. Wakeman says, “Online video helps you sell more… Adding video to your email marketing can increase click-through rates by 96% Having a video on your website makes it 53X more likely that you’ll appear on Page 1 of Google’s seach results Consumers who watch product videos are 85% more likely to buy products compared to those who don’t watch a video (Internet Retailer) Watching one minute of video is the equivalent of reading 1.8 million words!”. 7 Simple... [...]

‘I Made My Video… Now What?’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “I Made My Video… Now What?”. Wakeman says, “Guest Blog Post by Lou Bortone, Video Marketing Strategist If you’ve taken the big leap and joined the ranks of the online video marketers, congratulations!  That first video is always the most difficult. But now that you’ve produced your first video, what’s next?  How do you not only maximize the marketing from that video, but also create new video marketing opportunities?  Unless you want to succumb to the dreaded “one and done” syndrome, you’ll want to create a”. I Made... [...]

‘List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This”. Wakeman says, “In previous posts about LinkedIn, I’ve written that hosting a LinkedIn Group is by far the best way to build a community, connect with potential new clients and drive more traffic back to your blog. And there’s one more thing (at least). LinkedIn Groups can be a great source of new subscribers for your blog or email list”. List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This Biz Tips Blog  [...]

‘List Building Tip: Reward Your Blog Subscribers’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “List Building Tip: Reward Your Blog Subscribers”. Wakeman says, “Are you building your list of blog subscribers? No doubt you’ve heard that list building is a critical strategy for building your business. And there are many tactics you can employ to grow your list.” List Building Tip: Reward Your Blog Subscribers Biz Tips Blog  [...]

‘Easy Video Creation on Facebook [cool tool alert!]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Easy Video Creation on Facebook [cool tool alert!]”. Wakeman says, “Video creation can be intimidating for many people. I was following the comments on a post by Kathleen Gage about the Pros and Cons of Using Video and was surprised at the number of people who don’t like video and refuse to use video in their business.  Video helps you build rapport with your audience faster, you can teach more complex ideas, especially for how-to videos”. Easy Video Creation on Facebook [cool tool alert!] Biz Tips Blog  [...]

‘The Content Creation Challenge: 22 Tips from Copyblogger [infographic]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “The Content Creation Challenge: 22 Tips from Copyblogger [infographic]”. Wakeman says, ““I don’t know what to write about!” “I’m stuck and have writer’s block!” “I have nothing new to say.” Ever say any of those things to yourself when faced with the need to write a new blog post? It’s the content creation challenge and I hear some version of those statements above all the time from clients and others in my networks”. The Content Creation Challenge: 22 Tips from Copyblogger... [...]

‘LinkedIn Tips – Use Groups to Connect with Potential Clients’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “LinkedIn Tips – Use Groups to Connect with Potential Clients”. Wakeman says, “Recently I started using LinkedIn with a lot more intention. Working through the LinkedInfluence course, I learned quite a few important LinkedIn tips. Rather than simply adding new connections and giving occassional recommendations, I decided to really use it. The most effective thing I did was start a LinkedIn group for people who wanted to boost their online visibilty. I also optimized my profile for sending new traffic and prospects back to my blog”. LinkedIn... [...]

‘Pinterest Drives Traffic and Boosts Visibility for Your Blog’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Pinterest Drives Traffic and Boosts Visibility for Your Blog”. Wakeman says, “Pinterest is all the rage these days. No doubt you’ve seen articles, blog posts, and status updates on Facebook. You may be seeing “Pin It” buttons on blogs as well.  And for good reason. Pinterest as grown nearly as fast as the speed of light in the last few months. [Not sure what Pinterest is?Click here for info.]”. Pinterest Drives Traffic and Boosts Visibility for Your Blog Biz Tips Blog  [...]

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