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Saturday, February 22, 2025

‘Blog Writing Tips – How To Tap Into Your Creativity and Stay Motivated [Debra Marrs Presentation]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Blog Writing Tips – How To Tap Into Your Creativity and Stay Motivated [Debra Marrs Presentation]”. Wakeman says, “During the first Virtual Blog Writing Day, I invited Writing Coach Debra Marrs to share her blog writing tips and how to tap into your creativity. In her 30 minute presentation, Debra outlined numerous ways to record ideas, keep yourself motivated and create a wealth of content to draw from when you feel less than creative. Debra’s presentation was recorded and transcribed for you.  You can listen online, download the mp3... [...]

‘The Truth About List Building’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “The Truth About List Building”. Wakeman says, “The number one skill most everyone wants to perfect is list building. Not just building a list, but building what is known as a responsive list. I am here to tell you it’s possible! The truth is you really CAN build a responsive, money-making subscriber list once and for all. If you know where to get the right information you can build your list in record time. A list of people who are responsive and spend money. Isn’t that what everyone online wants to do? I know I do. I have conversations... [...]

‘Celebrate Blogging!’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Celebrate Blogging!”. Wakeman says, “On September 28, 2004 I set up and launched my first business blog, Biz Tips Blog (no longer active). Eight years later, I have published thousands of posts on 10 blogs built on TypePad including Build a Better Blog (most were for specific purposes and are no longer active) , my primary blog here, using Wordpress, blogged for my previous company at a blog on Square Space, and recently launched a blog-site for a new project co-founded with Ellen Britt at The Future of Ink.  I’ve set up blogs for clients,... [...]

‘The Content King is Dead: Long Live the Empress of Experience’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “The Content King is Dead: Long Live the Empress of Experience”. Wakeman says, “This is a guest post by Tea Silvestre of (How to create kick ass content that gets put to use, rather than just downloaded and forgotten) There’s a glut of information available on the web today – and now that everyone’s building their lists with a free download, our hard drives all have a bad case of infobesity. Don’t lie. You know yours does, too. I’ve seen a variety of statistics on the topic, but most agree that somewhere in... [...]

‘9 Questions to Answer Before You Approach a New Joint Venture Partner’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “9 Questions to Answer Before You Approach a New Joint Venture Partner”. Wakeman says, “Joint venture partners and affiliates are a great way to boost your visibility, attract new clients and customers, and make more money. However, there is some etiquette involved in how you approach a potential joint venture partner. A few days ago I was asked by my colleague Kathleen Gage to contribute some tips and advice about how to deal with an overwhelming number of joint venture requests. What I sent her is the list of 9 questions you see below. Kathleen’s... [...]

‘Link Love from Virtual Blog Writing Day’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Link Love from Virtual Blog Writing Day”. Wakeman says, “After the recent Virtual Blog Writing Day, I offered participants a chance to get some link love on this blog. One of the things that drives me is helping online entrepreneurs boost their visibility on the web. To that end, I wanted to reward those who took action and wrote blog posts on VBWD. So, I offered to include a link to a post they wrote on a group post and make sure it got syndicated throughout my networks.  I received links to 15 blog posts, all created during Virtual Blog Writing... [...]

‘How to Build Visibility for Your Big, New Project’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “How to Build Visibility for Your Big, New Project”. Wakeman says, “You’ve got a great idea for a new project (product, service, website, book, etc.). You’ve tested your idea and you know there’s a market or audience. Now, how do you build it out so you get maximum visibility before, during and after the launch? This week, I launched a new project with Ellen Britt…The Future of Ink: Digital Publishing for Online Entrepreneurs. In a nutshell, here are the steps we took to build visibility and anticipation for our project.... [...]

‘Your Golden Ticket to our Digital Publishing Webinar’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Your Golden Ticket to our Digital Publishing Webinar”. Wakeman says, “If you haven’t noticed, digital publishing is THE hot, hot topic right now… seems like just about everyone is talking about how they are using digital publishing to promote and grow their businesses… So, to help you out, my colleague Ellen Britt and I would like to give you a free golden Ticket to our very special (and quite unusual!) webinar… (more about the unusual part in a second) How You Can Profit from Digital Publishing: 3 Simple Steps…... [...]

‘Writing and Blogging Resources from Virtual Blog Writing Day’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Writing and Blogging Resources from Virtual Blog Writing Day”. Wakeman says, “The recent Virtual Blog Writing Day I facilitated exceeded my expectations in ALL ways. Meeting five times, every two hours, we consistently had more than 50 people showing up and reporting on outstanding progress and productivity. Many bloggers met or exceeded the writing goals they set for themselves. It was awesome and inspiring. At each check-in we spent about 30 minutes reporting on successes and progress toward our blog writing goals”. Writing and Blogging Resources... [...]

‘Managing Comments – Four Plugins for Encouraging and Rewarding Your Readers’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Managing Comments – Four Plugins for Encouraging and Rewarding Your Readers”. Wakeman says, “Over the years I’ve experimented with several different systems for managing comments on this blog. First, I simply used the default WordPress comment system. But, it’s pretty basic and I wanted more options so I installed the Disqus Commenting System. I used Disqus for a long time. I liked the treaded posts, but I found that sometimes it was slow to load and occasionally it conflicted with other plugins. Finally, a few months ago, I took... [...]

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