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Thursday, February 6, 2025

‘100,000’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “100,000”. Franklin says, “I’ve been watching this for about a week or so, and it finally happened. What, you ask? It’s an accomplishment that I’m pretty proud of… According to YouTube, more than 100,000 people have watched my videos. Here’s a screensho”. 100,000 Derek Franklin’s Blog  [...]

‘unBelievable: The unBelievable Mindset…And More’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “unBelievable: The unBelievable Mindset…And More”. Derek says, “In 1997, Apple Computer began a marketing campaign that included a series of commercials that promoted a simple, yet powerful idea – that it’s often the crazy misfits of society, along with their crazy, unbelievable ideas, that eventually go on to change the world. And if you wanted to be part of a technical revolution that was going to change the world, then the unique and different Apple computer would be a better choice than the more popular, everyone’s... [...]

‘My Products –> Your Branding’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “My Products –> Your Branding”. Derek says, “I’m happy to announce that I’m making available 2 of my products for branding: The Day Launcher System The Copywriter’s Brain NOTE: These are both products that I currently sell for $47.00 each”. My Products –> Your Branding Derek Franklin’s Blog  [...]

‘Introducing The Equation Of Magnitude’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “Introducing The Equation Of Magnitude”. Derek says, “Today, I like to share with you one of the most simple, but profound ideas that I’ve ever personally discovered. I call it, theEquation of Magnitude, and understanding it, how it works, and then using it in your life, can be the force that finally moves you into a position of power and control when it comes to actually achieving what you want in life”. Introducing The Equation Of Magnitude Derek Franklin’s Blog  [...]

‘This Is Why I Created The Day Launcher System’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “This Is Why I Created The Day Launcher System”. Derek says, “Here’s a great video by Positive Psychology expert Shawn Achor, who talks about how a constant exposure to positive ideas, thoughts, experiences, and even people can have a huge impact on your ability to live a life of excellence. This concept of training your brain and body to get familiar with everything that’s awesome in life, so it can impact your future results, is the basis for the Day Launcher System, which I released last year”. This Is Why I Created... [...]

‘It’s Time I Tell You About My Past’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “It’s Time I Tell You About My Past”. [Derek Franklin’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Own A BRANDED Version Of The Action Machine’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “Own A BRANDED Version Of The Action Machine”. [Derek Franklin’s Blog] […]  [...]

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