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Thursday, February 13, 2025

How to Write Email Subject Lines That Generate More Sales

Your email marketing campaigns depend on various elements. The email subject line is one of the most important parts that help you improve your email open rate. Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has published an article highlighting five steps to achieve better email open rates. He says, “While there is no definitive right or wrong way to write an email subject line, there are some tips you can use to boost your current open rates. Here are 5 critical steps: 1. Create the best email subject lines for sales with descriptive language A study by Backlinko showed that the best email subject... [...]

Should Email Subject Lines Be Capitalized [Answered]

CAPITALIZATION is a thing of concern for many. Especially when it comes to email marketing, we have to be alert to the use of capitalization in our email subjects and content. AWeber contributor Liz Willits has published an article answering this important question on using capitals in email subject lines. She says, “To find out how top marketers use capitalization in their email subject lines, we examined the subject lines from our 100 experts to see if they relied on a particular capitalization formula. We found 3 common formulas: 1 – Sentence-case capitalization (the first letter of... [...]

Email Secret Weapon: Top email subject lines improve opens #ad

Well-known Atlanta marketer, Matt Bacak, has just released his collection of attention-getting subject lines that he calls his Email Secret Weapon. He includes 1001 subject lines that he has tested against other subject lines in A-B tests. These are the winners he is offering you. Tweak and adapt them any way you need to; bend them so they apply to your own products. Then you can test them against each other if you like. The nice thing is that he includes current tests, done in 2013 (as well as the last two years of tests), so you know the winners are still useful, not ancient and past their “sell... [...]

‘Top 10 Annoying Subject Lines’ by Ben Shaffer

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Ben Shaffer’s latest blog post is titled “Top 10 Annoying Subject Lines”. [Blog] […]  [...]

‘My 2nd Best Email Subject Line Ever’ by Glenn Livingston

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Glenn Livingston’s latest blog post is titled “My 2nd Best Email Subject Line Ever”. [Glenn Livingston’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Great Email Subject Lines Explained!’ – ‘Inside the OfferVault’

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‘Inside the OfferVault’ blog post is titled ‘Great Email Subject Lines Explained!”. [Inside the OfferVault Blog] […]  [...]

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