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Saturday, March 29, 2025

‘Taking Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Level Might Require a Consultant’ – Entrepreneur

Renzo Costarella says, “Though your marketing team has access to many tools and platforms, marketing has become so much more complex that it’s a challenge determining the best approach. How do you revamp your brand to take your company to the next level? It may make sense to partner with a marketing consultant who knows how to cut past the confusion to create a marketing strategy that maximizes your brand’s potential. A marketing consulting firm can shape your marketing strategy through comprehensive research and market data. They help you select and implement the systems... [...]

‘Profitable or Popular? Make Hashtags Work for You’ – Entrepreneur

Kim Walsh-Phillips says, “Most businesses focus on either profit or popularity when using social media marketing. Either they are focused on getting lots of followers and tons of engagements, or they are knee-deep in direct response data, split testing and data mining to achieve more sales. But just as Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were born out of an indecisive, Why not have both? attitude, you need to find a balance as you build your tribe. In other words… You can have both. I only had 360 followers when I started writing Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business. I had a little... [...]

‘7 Secrets for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy’ – Entrepreneur

Ash Read says, “By now, it’s clear that video is an essential channel for marketers. But what makes a great video? And what keeps viewers engaged? Is it a good story? Or maybe it’s all about reaching the right audience at the right time. We teamed up with Wistia to find out. We looked at some of our favorite examples of video marketing and uncovered some traits they have in common. Here are seven secrets to creating successful video content. 1. Focus on stories, not sales Before the rise of social media, if you wanted someone to see an advert, you had to rent space within a popular... [...]

‘5 B2B Growth Hacking Tools for Your Business’ – Entrepreneur

Marsha Hunt says, “All B2B marketers and business owners are on a constant search for ways to grow their company. One of the keys to success for any small company or startup is growth hacking. Growth hacking allows you to find the most effective marketing channels and take advantage of them to connect with your audience and scale your business. Growth hacking tools can measure the performance of your marketing campaigns across different platforms. You can then use the information you gather to find the best ways to engage your audience. Why focus on growth hacking? It’s critical for B2B... [...]

‘5 Things You Need to Know About Video Marketing’ – Entrepreneur

Kimberly De Silva says, “You have probably heard it everywhere: video marketing is the future — and the present. Hubspot claims that “video content in no longer an option, it’s a necessary component of any successful marketing strategy.” Here’s the lowdown on video marketing: 4X as many people would prefer to watch a video about a product than read about it. By including the word “video” in an email subject line, you can boost open rates by 19 percent and click-through rates by 65 percent. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80 percent. YouTube... [...]

’10 Tips for Creating a Great Chatbot’ – Entrepreneur

Murray Newlands says, “Chatbots have taken the marketing world by storm. They are offering A.I.-powered technology to companies, allowing them to provide more advanced customer care while monetizing their marketing efforts by pushing deals and promotions on demand. Unlike popular belief, creating a chatbot does not have to be a hard task that costs lots of money.  To help you with your chatbot making endeavors, below, I’ve outlined the benefits of implementing a chatbot into your business and 10 tips for creating a successful chatbot. The benefits of implementing a chatbot. The real question... [...]

‘Here’s How to Master Facebook Advertising and Why You Must’ – Entrepreneur

Lesya Liu says, “Social media ads are the norm for entrepreneurs both as consumers and business owners, so it’s a safe guess that most entrepreneurs realize the power and reach of Facebook’s targeting capabilities. Maybe you’ve tried Facebook advertising but it wasn’t as effective as you hoped, or maybe you’re a believer who wants to take your ads to the next level. Either way, Facebook advertising is too powerful to be given up easily. There are five crucial considerations to accelerate conversions and ROI. 1. Getting very specific about your audience. Facebook has... [...]

‘How to Ride the Livestreaming Wave to Marketing Success’ – Entrepreneur

John Boitnott says, “Live video marketing has become a must-do trend in the digital marketing community. Thanks to Snapchat, Facebook Live and other competing social media that connect users to brands in real-time, there’s been a surge in content creation that boosts social presence and builds brand loyalty while live streaming. It’s a no-brainer because from what I’ve seen these companies seem to give more exposure to live streams. They want live video to be seen as effective. I believe they want to use it to ensure deeper involvement from brands who may pay more for their... [...]

‘4 Reasons Why I’m Doubling Down on Instagram Stories and You Should Too’ – Entrepreneur

Andrew Medal says, “When Instagram rolled out Instagram Stories, a Snapchat-esque feature that allows users to post photos and videos that are viewable for 24 hours, it sparked a lot of hype. Bloggers took the news and ran with it, publishing think pieces about why it’s great, why it sucks andwhy Snapchat shouldn’t be concerned (although, nowadays, maybe it should be). I think Instagram Stories is a great tool for entrepreneurs to jump start their marketing. Here are a few reasons why. 1. It’s cheap to start. Although official sponsored ads on Instagram are expensive, Instagram’s... [...]

‘Social Media Matters in Marketing for More Reasons Than You Think’ – Entrepreneur

Jordan French says, “If you know anything about modern day marketing, then you know social media is critical. This is the first time in history that people have been instantly connected all over the world, able to communicate in a moment over different mediums. If you have an audience, social media can be a career. Influencers create more impressions than media outlets and get better response rates on branded programming. Eighty-four percent of millennials have bought something directly from a social influencer. People trust influencer endorsements more than they trust celebrity endorsements. Of... [...]

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