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Monday, October 28, 2024

‘Introduction To List Building’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #59

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #59. The featured video tip is titled “Introduction to List Building”. Holmlund says, “I hope you’ve been enjoying this lesson series, and I hope you’ve followed all the action steps so far, because today we’re getting into what I consider to be the “heart and soul” of internet marketing. We’re talking about… list building!”. ‘Introduction to List Building’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #59 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘Supporting Your Customers’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #58

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #58. The featured video tip is titled “Supporting Your Customers”. Holmlund says, “Throughout this lesson series we’ve been looking at how to develop an information product and sell it online. But it seems it wouldn’t be right for me to go through this entire lesson series teaching how to sell stuff online, if I didn’t also take the time to talk about supporting your customers”. ‘Supporting Your Customers’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #58 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘Testing To Improve Your Marketing’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #57

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #57. The featured video tip is titled “Testing to Improve Your Marketing”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lessons we’ve been building up to the point of having your product online and ready to sell. Maybe you’re already selling something online, or maybe you’re still working on it. Either way… You need to know how to integrate testing into your marketing, otherwise you’re not “really” marketing”. ‘Testing To Improve Your Marketing’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson... [...]

‘Using Downsells To Grab More Sales’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #56

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #56. The featured video tip is titled “Using Downsells to Grab More Sales”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lesson we talked about upsells and One Time Offers. If you’re not using upsells, then you’re leaving money on the table. Today we’re going to talk about downselling”. ‘Using Downsells to Grab More Sales’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #56 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘Upsells And One Time Offers’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #55

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #55. The featured video tip is titled “Upsells and One Time Offers”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lessons we’ve been working our way up to the point that you should now have something that you can sell online. But whether you’re already selling something or if you’re still getting ready to launch your first product, you really need to think about how you can increase your profits with upsells and one-time offers“. ‘Upsells And One Time Offers’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’... [...]

‘Payment Processing Solutions for Online Businesses’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #54

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #54. The featured video tip is titled “Creating Payment Buttons and Thank-You Pages”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lesson we looked at online payment solutions, so hopefully you’ve chosen at least one method for receiving payments. Today we’re going to get into the nitty gritty details of exactly how to sell a downloadable product online and deliver it to your customer”. ‘Creating Payment Buttons and Thank-You Pages’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #54 Eric’s Tips... [...]

‘Payment Processing Solutions for Online Businesses’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #53

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #53. The featured video tip is titled “Payment Processing Solutions for Online Businesses”. Holmlund says, “In the previous few lessons we’ve been looking at how to create a sales letter. But a sales letter isn’t going to sell anything for you unless you’ve got a way of accepting money… (Watch this video…)”. ‘Payment Processing Solutions for Online Businesses’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #53 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘Outsourcing Copywriting’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #52

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #52. The featured video tip is titled “Outsourcing Copywriting”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lesson we talked about how to write a sales letter. But what if you don’t want to do your own copywriting? No problem! You can outsource it… (Watch this video…)”. ‘Outsourcing Copywriting’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #52 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘How to Create A Sales Letter’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #51

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #51. The featured video tip is titled “How to Create a Sales Letter”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lesson we talked about the basics of copywriting. Today we’re going to take a closer look at the art of crafting a sales page, including the elements of a successful sales letter… (Watch this video…)”. ‘How to Create A Sales Letter’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #51 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

‘Introduction to Copywriting’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #50

Eric Holmlund has released the ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #50. The featured video tip is titled “Introduction to Copywriting”. Holmlund says, “In the previous lesson we talked about pricing your product. Now we have to communicate enough value in order to persuade prospects to buy the product, and the way we do that is through copywriting… (Watch this video…)”. ‘Introduction to Copywriting’ – ‘Eric’s Tips’ Lesson #50 Eric’s Tips Blog  [...]

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