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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

[New App] Fan Automator gets unlimited fans to your Fan Pages #ad

Marketing innovator Dan Green has created new software that any online marketer will find helpful to get attention for their Facebook content (and their blog content.) It has just been announced, and it’s called Fan Automator. Its job is to grow your likes and your fan base automatically (and virally.) Here’s a list of features for Fan Automator: ► Get Unlimited New Fans to any Fan page you want ► Get New Fans daily and do it completely on autopilot ► Easy to get started. No need for a Facebook app ► Send traffic to your WordPress site ► Run multiple campaigns in parallel ►... [...]

Qilio 2.0: new tool for free Facebook marketing #ad

Many people are not maximizing their return on their investment in ads on Facebook. Facebook will do about 95% of the work for you (if you handle it right), and they don’t charge you for it. There’s a new advertising platform that takes advantage of this Facebook facility to place ads on your fan page, in a (Faceebook-approved) way that avoids the Facebook fees. So now you can get more fans, more opt-ins, and more buyers while paying a lot less. The new platform is Qilio 2.0. The creators, Jay Venka and Vas Blagodarskiy, and their private clients have been using the 1.0 version since... [...]

Fan Page Money Method for marketing on Facebook #ad

British marketer, Michael Chaney, has released two complimentary videos on how to market your products using Facebook. The videos introduce you to the promise and perils of Facebook marketing. They may whet your appetite once you see how profitable it can be. If so, he has prepared follow-on training that will get you well-prepared for using your Fan Pages, called Fan Page Money Method. This course goes into detail about how to find Facebook users who have money and want to spend their money on Facebook and how you can place your offer in front of the best prospects. In this training, Cheney shows... [...]

Fan Page Money Method: Make sales on Facebook without ads #ad

Michael Cheney, long-time internet marketer and creator of training and software for marketers, has just announced his guide to marketing on Facebook for beginners, called Fan Page Money Method. In Cheney’s new guide, you will discover where in the Facebook infrastructure you can start earning money. And he gives you instructions on how to take advantage of this feature of Facebook. In Fan Page Money Method, Cheney shows you: • How you can do this without spending money on ads • How you can do it even if you’re just starting out • How you can earn money on Facebook even if... [...]

Set up a ‘Fan Page Squeeze’ to build your email list #ad

Brian Moran has created a new report that reveals how to set up a “Fan Page Squeeze” that, according to Moran, can double your email list. Using your Facebook account to actually earn a living may seem elusive. Many have tried; relatively, a few have succeeded. It leaves you wondering if it’s even possible to use Facebook to generate real sales. Moran contends that it’s possible to grow your email list with a free Facebook Fan Page, even if you’re new at it. Moran’s new report, called How to Double Your List with Fan Pages™, condenses everything he has discovered about building... [...]

How to get Your 1st 1000 Facebook Fans #ad

Travis Petelle is giving away at no cost, his new training, on getting your 1st 1000 Fans. This system is is the exact process Patelle used (and continues to use) when he builds a fan page. When he did it, Patelle says, within the first 24 hours, sales began pouring in. In this free training he goes through the entire process of researching a viral niche, creating the page for organic traffic, and setting up ads. These techniques can be used for any site in any niche. You can get them all without any charge at all. You will receive a link to a video series and an invitation to a free webinar, with... [...]

Viral Traffic Control: How to rapidly gain new fans on Fcebook #ad

Viral Traffic Control reveals a simple, 5 step process to: • bring lots of traffic to your fan page • build your mailing list • get your fans to do the heavy lifting You do all this without ads, saving you money. When Donald Wilson discovered this process, he found that writing a letter to his fans, instead of making them fill out a simple squeeze page, was the start of a viral chain-reaction that brought him thousands of new fans in only a few days. Once your fans are engaged, they will create content for you, including stories, photos and more. You just need to be the curator who... [...]

Facebook Dynamite: Plumber, untrained in marketing, found a key to Facebook marketing #ad

“Lloyd the plumber”, in a small Pennsylvania town (about 23,000 people), used Facebook to bring in over $12,000 on a single month: • Without buying ads • Without spending money • Without spending hours on Facebook Marketer Ed Akehurst (with partner Jason Ohrum) has documented the process Lloyd used in his brand new Facebook Dynamite training. Facebook Dynamite consists of a guidebook and 8 videos taking you through the details of Lloyd’s process. In this training you will discover: • The steps to take on your very first day, to get up and running without delay •... [...]

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