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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Need help getting your business off the ground? #ad

There are only 100 more days in 2016. That’s just enough to turn your business profitable. You may have had great intentions when you started your business, but perhaps you didn’t know how to actually carry out your plans. A lot of people have that problem, so you aren’t alone. Gary Ryan Blair has put together a program for getting you along toward your goal by the end of the year: 100 Day Challenge. This is a focused, fast paced goal setting program that Blair designed to create improved results quickly. Consider this question: What can I do to accomplish my goal in 100 days?... [...]

The year is half over; are you half way to your goals? #ad

If you are wanting to support your family with better financial results, the key probably isn’t a new e-book or video. The key is how you run your business and how you run your life. Gary Ryan Blair is sharing what he calls his 100 Day Challenge next week, as the first half of 2016 wraps up. Actually, he is already offering a free Manifesto and video (with more news about the Challenge coming next week). The manifesto and video show you how to start the second half of the year fast, focused and fired up. If you have been wondering why you aren’t more successful, it may be that you... [...]

In the 6 Months left in 2014, what will you accomplish? #ad

We are now into the third quarter of 2014. Six months down and less than six months to go. Are your goals set? and are you actively working on achieving them? To start the day, week, month or quarter unfocused, unprepared, and uncommitted is a sure path to failure. If you are off to a slow start this year, then check out this program for the skills and motivation you need, in order to create the life you want. Gary Ryan Blair offers you a The 100 Day Challenge to get your business straightened out. This program is truly world-class, but it’s also time sensitive, so check it out right... [...]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

Today is the start of the 3rd quarter of 2014 If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in the second half of the year that you did in the first half, your results are likely to be no better than you have already achieved. But if you want to make big things happen in the second half of the year, then check out this remarkable program from Gary Ryan Blair, known... [...]

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