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Saturday, March 1, 2025

VidPerk: better viewership for your videos via incentives #ad

Your videos, no matter how good, won’t sell anything unless people watch them. VidPerk, just released by Tom Yevsikov and Gaurab Borah lets you give people a reason to watch till the end. This new tool lets you easily offer a coupon code, a download link, or any other digital incentive to viewers who watch until the end (or any point in the video you select.) Most people watch just a few seconds of a video before clicking away (on average less than 3 seconds, according to Marketing Magazine). You won’t make much of an impression in 3 seconds. If people would watch your whole video,... [...]

Octopus transforms YouTube into a profit-making machine #ad

Octopus was just released by Tom Yevsikov and Gaurab Borah. As you may know YouTube is the world’s second-most-popular search engine. Once they search, they watch a lot of videos. A lot of people use it, and that’s an understatement. As a result of its popularity, YouTube can be one of the best marketing channels on earth. Yevsikov and Borah’s new software is simple to use and has let them get millions of visitors to their offers for free. The software is empowered by a set of simple tactics for how to use it. Together, they have produced the results Yevsikov and Borah have... [...]

Revyoo Elite: Create product review videos for affiliate sales #ad

Some people go to YouTube to be entertained, but others go to be informed. Among those looking for information are people who plan to buy something to solve a problem. They come to YouTube to learn about the products they are considering. They want to see reviews (and especially, review videos) that will show the advantages or particular products they are considering. That’s an opportunity the online marketers don’t want to miss because it can become an easy sale. Give them the information they are seeking, give them a button that says, “Click here to buy”, and if your... [...]

PointRank: Sell to the highest-converting traffic on the Internet #ad

If you are going to make a living on the Internet, you need to present your product offer (your own or a product you have rights to sell as an affiliate) in the right way to the right audience. People are persuaded by what they sees. To get a demonstration in front of large numbers of people, it takes an online video, and the most-visited site for people seeking videos is YouTube. Often, people visit YouTube specifically to find demonstrations. There’s a reason why YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. You can find out any information you are seeking there, in an easily consumed form. However,... [...]

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