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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘The Lost Art Of Rumination′ by John Carlton

John Carlton’s latest blog post is titled “The Lost Art Of Rumination”. Carlton says, ““Sittin’ on the dock of the bay, watchin’ the tide roll away…” (Otis Redding) Howdy… Mark, a lifelong pal of mine, lived with a girlfriend many years ago who taught us both a very devastating lesson. At the time, Mark and I were hard-core slackers — lamely cruising through our late twenties, we took jobs without ambition to pay the rent and keep the fridge stocked with beer, and were pretty much maintaining the same lifestyles we’d had in college”. The Lost Art Of Rumination John... [...]

‘So, How’s That Working Out For You?′ by John Carlton

John Carlton’s latest blog post is titled “So, How’s That Working Out For You?”. Carlton says, “Howdy. I am, today, resurrecting a post from a very long time ago… … because the subject matter just won’t die. Like a zombie, it just keeps getting back up and stumbling forward to irritate and annoy me. So let’s file this under “Necessary Reminders If You Wanna Get Rich“… … cuz it’s one of those fundamental lessons for anyone who got into business to create wealth”. So, How’s That Working Out For You? John Carlton’s Blog  [...]

‘Steve, We Hardly Knew Ya′ by John Carlton

John Carlton’s latest blog post is titled “Steve, We Hardly Knew Ya”. Carlton says, “Howdy… I hope you’re doing well, and seizing the day.  As we all should, every day we’re alive. Sometimes, for me, the best way to appreciate life is to, occasionally, also appreciate death. For all the sound and fury and chaos surrounding us on the Big Earthly Stage… for all the urgency of accomplishment and all the troubles of cobbling together a modern lifestyle…”. Steve, We Hardly Knew Ya John Carlton’s Blog  [...]

‘The Reality Check Mom Never Gave You′ by John Carlton

John Carlton’s latest blog post is titled “The Reality Check Mom Never Gave You”. Carlton says, “Howdy… I’m handing the blog over to our good buddy Jimbo Curley again this week.  He’s done several guest posts, all hilarious, all excellent insight and info for marketers, writers and anyone in biz. Jim and I go back a looooooooong time.  And my favorite story of how we became brawling colleagues is included here”. The Reality Check Mom Never Gave You John Carlton’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Murder Stress, Part 1′ by John Carlton

John Carlton’s latest blog post is titled “How To Murder Stress, Part 1”. Carlton says, “Howdy… What’s the matter, Bunky? The news got you down?  The economy keeping you up at night?  Are sales in the toilet, creditors stalking you, clients not returning calls, the sheer angst of living in a modern tech-drenched world chewing holes in your gut? Would you like to hear how grizzled veterans handle the evils of stress?”. How To Murder Stress, Part 1 John Carlton’s Blog  [...]

‘Will You Use Google’s New Page Speed Service?’ – ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter

Brendon Sinclair has released the latest issue of ‘SitePoint’ newsletter. The featured articles are titled “Will You Use Google’s New Page Speed Service?” and “It’s Official: IE Users Have a Lower IQ!”. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter Contents Introduction It’s Official: IE Users Have a Lower IQ! Will You Use Google’s New Page Speed Service? Dolphin HD: A Full-Featured, Secure Android Browser Confessions of a Converted PHP Developer: Namespace Superhero! Techy Forum Threads. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter  [...]

‘5 Of The Best CSS3 Font Tools’ – ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter

Brendon Sinclair has released the latest issue of ‘SitePoint’ newsletter. The featured articles are titled “5 of the Best CSS3 Font Tools” and “How to Actually Use Google Analytics Video for SitePoint Members”. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter Contents   Introduction 5 of the Best CSS3 Font Tools In The Cloud Rails Development 101: Installing Rails, Part One Facebook in a Windows Phone 7 App Techy Forum Threads ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter  [...]

‘Six Steps to Successful Selling’ – ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter

Brendon Sinclair has released the latest issue of ‘SitePoint’ newsletter. The featured articles are titled “Six Steps to Successful Selling” and “Organization & People: The Alphabet of Web Business”. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter Contents   Introduction Six Steps to Successful Selling Generate Free Publicity Organization & People: The Alphabet of Web Business Hot Discussions. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter  [...]

‘Working With Agencies – Part II’ – ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter

Brendon Sinclair has released the latest issue of ‘SitePoint’ newsletter. The featured articles are titled “Working With Agencies – Part II” and “Coffee Shop Etiquette for Entrepreneurs”. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter Contents Introduction Working With Agencies – Part II Netflix Price Increase Coffee Shop Etiquette for Entrepreneurs Hot Discussions. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter  [...]

‘The 10 Commandments Of SEO’ – ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter

Brendon Sinclair has released the latest issue of ‘SitePoint’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Popular Mistakes in Universal Web Design”. This issue also features a podcast by Elliott Jay. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter Contents Looking at Logos: Pixel Logos Design Festival Podcast #10: Elliott Jay Stocks on 8 Faces & More Popular Mistakes in Universal Web Design Hot Discussions. ‘SitePoint’ Newsletter  [...]

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