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Monday, March 3, 2025

3 Step Lead Generation: New unique 3-Step agency blueprint #ad

If you help local businesses in using the internet to build their business, you may want to consider 3 Step Lead Generation, if you aren’t doing as well as you would like. Ask yourself these questions: ➤ Do you find yourself buying “Shiny Objects”, buying product after product but none of them ever seem to work for you? ➤ Do you struggle with calling and speaking to clients or meeting prospects in person? ➤ Are you tired of wasting time meeting clients in person only to have them say “No” to your service or product? ➤ Are you tired of struggling to grow your business? ➤... [...]

Local Ecom Profits: New tools for local marketing consultants #ad

Jack Hopman is releasing Local Ecom Profits at 10:00 EDT. With this new package of “done for you” local sites, he reports that you are just “5 Minutes Away from Being Able to Get Paid $997-$1,997 to Install These Simple 1-CLICK Local ‘Ecom’ Sites for Local Businesses.” Local Ecom Profits lets you can install an entire eCommerce site for local businesses with just 1 click. Hopman says you can collect one-time payments of $197-$1,997 to set it up and recurring payments of possibly $197/month to maintain it for your clients. This tool allows you to set up ecom solutions... [...]

Local marketing consultants offer Google Maps service to get foot in door #ad

Many local businesses have not optimized their website for Google to send traffic to them. To do that, they need to: 1. Claim their business name on Google (Google says 40% of local businesses haven’t done this.) 2. Put their store on Google Maps By setting up and optimizing their Google My Business page for them, you can solve both of these problems. But most of them don’t know how to do either. But with Jack Hopman‘s Maps PhD training, you will know how and be able to accomplish in minutes, what they may think is nearly impossible. By offering this valuable service for $200... [...]

Video Prospector Jack: get offline clients who want a better website #ad

Jack Hopman, who has specialized in Offline Marketing for more than 6 years, and has, in recent months, been sharing his insights with other marketers, has just come out with another product. You may remember that, in July, Hopman created Maps Hero to show you how make corrections in a business’s online presence in search engines. Now, Hopman has released Video Prospector Jack to help you attract clients for your marketing services. This new product has 3 prospecting videos to get clients for you. Pick the one you think will work best (or rotate them in a split test). These videos feature... [...]

Maps Hero: Solve local business visibility problems #ad

If a local business isn’t properly represented in Google Maps and other places around the web or if their website isn’t properly designed, it will hurt their business. Their search engine rank won’t be as high as it could be. You can fix their Problem in an hour or less and instantly become their Maps Hero. Jack Hopman, who has specialized in Offline Marketing for more than 6 years, found that this problem is wide spread and once business owners recognize the problem, they want it fixed right away and are willing to pay good money to get it fixed. So Hopman created Maps Hero so... [...]

Complete marketing system (and websites) for local marketing consultants #ad

You can build a business building websites for local merchants. With Jack Hopman‘s new Website Hero, you can build professional sites in a few minutes. He has done the hard work already. He has created attractive websites for All you need to do is to select the niche, fill in the client’s contact information and push the button on our Proprietary Instant Niche Website System … and a few seconds later you will have a fully functional, complete niche website. He includes attractive websites in 5 local niches that you can customize with your customer’s name and contact information... [...]

Google’s April 21 search results bombshell; are you ready? #ad

Google believes mobile users are being shortchanged by webmasters. Many websites treat mobile as an afterthought and do little to assure that mobile visitors can use the site easily. On April 21, Google will change its search algorithm to reward sites that are “mobile friendly”. If you don’t comply, your site ranking will decline. The sites that are mobile friendly will tend to rise toward the top. Google has a webpage where you can test your site: : When we tested IM NewsWatch, it scored high, although there are a few changes we... [...]

Local Lead Control: Sell exclusive leads to local businesses #ad

Jack Hopman and his students have been selling leads to local businesses for the last four years, and they can report that its a good business to be in. It’s especially good because they have been able to build their lead generation businesses: 1. Without tech skills, 2. Without Selling (and certainly without sales skills) and 3. Without needing a big budget to get things going. In this training, you will discover: • How to get motivated customers for local services to call your clients • How to get these local merchants to pay you for keeping this stream of customers coming • How to... [...]

Local Theme Jack: Build websites for local merchants in 10 minutes #ad

When you price a service for a client, the fair charge is what the service is worth to them. What it costs you is only relevant as a “floor”; don’t charge less than it costs you or you’ll go broke. The other principle of pricing is that a service is worth what a willing buyer will pay. Auctions are built on that principle. The price isn’t a pre-determined amount; it’s what the final bidder is willing to pay. When a marketing consultant offers to build a website for a local client the price can be as much as the client thinks the site is worth to them. Usually... [...]

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