‘Mobile Marketing Tools and More!’ by Jack Humphrey
Jack says, “This week we found ourselves posting a ton of mobile marketing links and tools”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “This week we found ourselves posting a ton of mobile marketing links and tools”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Tara Miller says, “Ah, the Internet–a wonderful conglomeration of humanity, a place that is both physically manifested and ethereal. It’s more of a state-of-mind really”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “Today, guest Jason Bax from BusinessUnusual.net, enlightened me and Jim about weird, wild businesses that are making money despite (or because of) their weirdness“. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “6 years ago they meant two different things to most people you asked”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “Personally, I’m going to become a fanboy when the iPad 2 goes on sale in a couple days”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “We focused on a video Jim put up on our Facebook page which shows geeks fighting over what the web should evolve into in the future”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “We may have bitten off more than we could chew this week”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “The horror of waking up and not being able to get into your Gmail account because a hacker has gotten a hold of it and changed your password is nothing anyone wants to go through”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “Marketers have a much different web to deal with these days when it comes to getting attention”. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]
Jack says, “Well we’re already one solid month into the New Year. Somewhere on your online marketing radar you surely have a note to get more traffic and build a bigger network on social media sites“. [Jack Humphrey’s Blog] […] [...]