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Friday, February 28, 2025

‘Your income per user (and how FaceBook is..’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Your income per user (and how FaceBook is..”. Schoemaker says, “Over 6 years ago I wrote a post about measuring your websites income per user. I was breaking down one of my sites where I was averaging 8 cents per unique user that visited. Jason Duke shared a image on FaceBook today from FaceBooks public docs on their upcoming IPO”. Your income per user (and how FaceBook is.. ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Google’s Latest Algorithm Update – Adwords Makes More Money if SEO is Unreliable’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Google’s Latest Algorithm Update – Adwords Makes More Money if SEO is Unreliable”. Schoemaker says, “Google’s latest algorithm change has webmasters and SEO gurus shaking in their boots. But what could be the motive behind all this change? Google has been making many changes over the last year or so and generally these seem to be aimed toward improving the search engine experience for users. The official statement is that Google is aiming at becoming better at detecting spammy black hat SEO methods and honing in on the... [...]

‘Why we are not friends on Facebook (dont take it personal)’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Why we are not friends on Facebook (dont take it personal)”. Schoemaker says, “So like I have been meaning to post this for a bit but I feel it kind of comes off as egotistical. Here is the deal. I get a lot of friend requests. I don’t check them. In fact I think today was the first time I friended someone in 4 months”. Why we are not friends on Facebook (dont take it personal) ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘ShoeMoney iPhone & iPad Affiliate Marketing Free for a limited time!’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “ShoeMoney iPhone & iPad Affiliate Marketing Free for a limited time!”. Schoemaker says, “I am pretty pumped!!! If you remember a few weeks back I said I went to Los Angeles to shoot a TON of brand new content. It was all for an iPhone / Ipad application”. ShoeMoney iPhone & iPad Affiliate Marketing Free for a limited time! ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Why you have been blackballed by the SEO Inner Circle’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Why you have been blackballed by the SEO Inner Circle”. Schoemaker says, “Ever wonder why you aren’t in the “in crowd” or why you aren’t invited to any of the many super-secret forums/groups/backrooms/dinners in the SEO industry?  Why people clam up when you join up with them at the bar at any SEO conference?  Or your @replies to top industry people seemingly go unnoticed?  While you might tell yourself you just aren’t well known enough yet, the real answer might be a bit more nefarious”. Why you have been... [...]

‘The ShoeMoney Comment Contest is back!’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “The ShoeMoney Comment Contest is back!”. Schoemaker says, “Back by popular demand is the ShoeMoney comment contest. The comment contest works like this. Basically you drop by and give your take on the days post. When you comment you are automatically entered in the daily contest. Daily contest winners will be put into the grand prize drawing of an iPad 3!”. The ShoeMoney Comment Contest is back! ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘It’s the Training, Not the Destination: The Endurance Sport of Online Marketing’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “It’s the Training, Not the Destination: The Endurance Sport of Online Marketing”. Schoemaker says, “I’m currently training for an Ironman. It’s not my first time tackling the distance–I completed my first Ironman in 2010, and have been involved in endurance sports since 2006. Whenever a non-triathlete or someone who isn’t familiar with the sport hears that I’m planning to race in an Ironman this August, the response is generally the same: “Wow, I can’t imagine doing all of that in one day!” And every time... [...]

‘Neverblues Parent Company Files for Bankruptcy’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Neverblues Parent Company Files for Bankruptcy”. Schoemaker says, “On Monday news came that Neverblue’s, a major player in the CPA space, holding company (Velo) filed for bankruptcy. The nasdaq article which broke the news stated that it was forced into bankruptcy for doing some sketchy stuff”. Neverblues Parent Company Files for Bankruptcy ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Do people really want inferior conference speakers simply because they are chicks?’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Do people really want inferior conference speakers simply because they are chicks?”. Schoemaker says, “I swear at least once every six months or so, some chick in the industry will stir up drama over some upcoming conference and the lack of girl power on the panels.  Because apparently, we should be handed over speaking slots simply because we have boobs, even if we aren’t the best possible *PERSON* for the job.  So hands up to those who want to hear inferior speakers simply because the conference chair has been harassed... [...]

‘Seonix WordPress hack and the tool that fixed it in 5 minutes’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Seonix WordPress hack and the tool that fixed it in 5 minutes”. Schoemaker says, “This morning I recieved a VERY disturbing email from one of our readers: On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 5:56 AM, Jorg Ruis Hi Jeremy, Tried to contact you Twitter and your contact form several times. Last week Thursday I discovered that someone got in to our backend and submitted quite some links (124 posts to be exact) to”. Seonix WordPress hack and the tool that fixed it in 5 minutes ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

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