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Sunday, March 2, 2025

‘Lil Productivity tip and ShoeMoney June Recap’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Lil Productivity tip and ShoeMoney June Recap”. Schoemaker says, “Seems like I say this every month but June went fast as crap.  Did it for you?   Sometimes I find that if I get out of my office during the day I am so much more productive.  Even if its just Starbucks or something.  I will get everything on my task list and its only been an hour or so. The PAR Program continues to grow as expected.  We keep hitting our 5 client per month cap and have several on deck (signed 2 this morning).   We only take on 5 clients per month just... [...]

‘Identify Where Your Leads Coming From Using Call Tracking Utility’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Identify Where Your Leads Coming From Using Call Tracking Utility”. Schoemaker says, “At its basic definition, call tracking utility tells a business or organization which ad campaign or marketing method is very effective and which is not through tracking the number of the phone calls that are made from a specific ad campaign. Many businesses and huge companies assume that their marketing campaigns and ads are working and that they generate leads randomly from one to another. So, they kept spending on the same campaigns that they once have... [...]

‘Fire your SEO company today’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Fire your SEO company today”. Schoemaker says, “In a world post-Panda, post-Penguin, it’s fair to say that you never know quite what’s lurking around the corner. What measures will Google roll out next to stop webmasters in their tracks? Will they single out the bad guys, or will there be collateral damage? Will that collateral damage be your website? Whether you pay someone to “do your SEO” or whether you do it all yourself, now’s definitely the time to down your tools and think long and hard about what you’re doing. Are you... [...]

‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Asks for Trouble From the FTC’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Asks for Trouble From the FTC”. Schoemaker says, “The Pentagon policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” helped keep gay servicemen in the U.S. military and out of trouble when they were still technically banned from serving in the military. The same policy, practiced by direct response merchants and those who assist them, asks for nothing but trouble from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).It isn’t news that the FTC will impose liability for false advertising not just on the advertiser but on those who help... [...]

‘26 Ways To See Right Through Your Competitors PPC Strategies’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “If You’re Gonna Compete, You Might As Well Crush Them! Here’s 26 Ways To See Right Through Your Competitors PPC Strategies”. Schoemaker says, “Every dollar you make is a dollar off someone elses table. I do not mean that making money is a zero sum game where one person makes and another loses, but rather, Every dollar a consumer spends with you, they could have and likely would have spent with your competitors. What this means is that no matter what angle you have or strategy you implemented, you can be sure someone is coming up the hill... [...]

‘Cutting Edge ROI Tricks’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Cutting Edge ROI Tricks”. Schoemaker says, “Gab Goldenberg did a interview with me last week making me spill my guts showing what we currently do to get the highest ROI for our clients and our own stuff”. Cutting Edge ROI Tricks ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Email Deliverability Ninja Trick’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Email Deliverability Ninja Trick”. Schoemaker says, “Email deliverability is a lot like SEO. Actually measuring results it is even worse. Some people still believe stats like opens and clicks are an indicator… thats a shame. In Email you are totally guessing unless you use something like our Spamguard system. We are the only company to quantify our email deliverability but its not like we are doing anything revolutionary. Any email platform could do it… but they know the results would not be pretty. Those guys believe its much better... [...]

‘New Yahoo advertising gateway’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “New Yahoo advertising gateway”. Schoemaker says, “In 2010 Yahoo! announced that they were killing their publisher network and were now referring all current and new users to Chitika who has been a leader in monetizing your content way before Microsoft or Yahoo ever had their platforms. Yahoo is now allowing Chitika to syndicate search and text listings into mobile. This is HUGE news for existing and new Chitika publishers looking to monetize their sites”. New Yahoo advertising gateway ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘How I learned about TRUE marketing from a 4 year old Thai girl’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “How I learned about TRUE marketing from a 4 year old Thai girl”. Schoemaker says, “Sawadee Khrab (Hello in Thai) Greetings from Bangkok. If you’ve never been to Bangkok before, it’s hot as shit. 100+ degrees with 70%+ humidity every day. Oh yes, quite fun. I’ve been here for about a week now, and it’s quite an amazing place. You can pretty much do whatever the hell you want to do”. How I learned about TRUE marketing from a 4 year old Thai girl ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Build a Successful Business by Not Acquiring Talent’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Build a Successful Business by Not Acquiring Talent”. Schoemaker says, “Sabremetrics is a concept that came about in the mid-20th century from statisticians such as Earnshaw Cook and Bill James. It is the analytical approach to quantifying talent through in-game activity in baseball. The concept was utilized famously by Billy Beane to rebuild the Oakland Athletics, which coined the term Moneyball. The principle is pretty simple. Most big time free-agents get picked up because of concepts like batting average, but this is a completely flawed... [...]

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