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Monday, March 3, 2025

‘I am speaking at Intersect 2013 this Friday!’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “I am speaking at Intersect 2013 this Friday!”. Schoemaker says, “This is a great event for any of you locals to come out and hear me speak about my experiences of running a start up. This marks the seventh year of this event and there is a long list of other speakers that are making a name with their startup companies as well. Intersect 2013 will be held this Friday at the Embassy Suites in La Vista from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. I will personally be speaking around 3:05 pm”. I am speaking at Intersect 2013 this Friday!  [...]

‘PAR Program Announces Reseller Program’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “PAR Program Announces Reseller Program”. Schoemaker says, “The PAR Program is happy to announce our Reseller Program. The PAR Program works very well for any business selling a product or offering a service. So as you can imagine the market for this product is HUGE. We have been testing the reseller program with a few people and they are all doing extremely well”. PAR Program Announces Reseller Program  [...]

‘Hot Internet Products For This week’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Hot Internet Products For This week”. Schoemaker says, “Here is a list of the newest internet marketing tools. All items listed are certified with volume sold and refund rate. Refund rate is a great indication of customers satisfied with the product. If one of these products interest you click the find out more information to go to their sales page which will be a much more detailed page about the product. All products come with at least a 30 day refund rate. Rockstar Power Suite 2.0 – This is a amazing product that automatically builds... [...]

‘eBay’s New Look’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “eBay’s New Look”. Schoemaker says, “As you know I have had quite the relationship with eBay during my Auction Ads days. Recently they have made some changes to their site most notably their ‘Feed’ on the homepage showing auctions that are personalized to you favorite searches and displaying them in a similar fashion as Pintrest”. eBay’s New Look  [...]

‘Everything You Need to Rock ’n’ Roll with Google Authorship & the Philosophy Behind It’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Everything You Need to Rock ’n’ Roll with Google Authorship & the Philosophy Behind It”. Schoemaker says, “The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance. – Eric Schmidt. The Era of Authorship This is the era of Google Authorship. Two things have a direct influence on this: Publishing rich, high-quality content is the mainstay of any SEO directive. Brand and authority are becoming much more relevant to Google’s search algorithms. In order to make things simpler for its ranking algorithms and for high-quality... [...]

‘Should I buy a “make money online product”’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Should I buy a “make money online product””. Schoemaker says, “Yesterday I made a post for people looking for the magic bullet.  A lot of the post made the point about how you don’t need money to try to make money online. With what I said people are probably thinking that they should never buy a info product to teach them anything, especially when getting started.  False – within reason. To date, over the last 8 years, I have purchased more than $150,000 worth of info products.  But stick with me here…   Over the years... [...]

‘Don’t chase the money – Chase the passion’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Don’t chase the money – Chase the passion”. Schoemaker says, “I get messages from people all the time who want to make money online.  They read the blog/newsletter,  see my phat AdSense Check and think I have the magic bullett. Guess what I DO!  Prepare yourself for it! You have passion and expertise about something.  Share that with people. Let me give you some examples.  I will start with myself. In 2003, while working a full time job and also reselling computers online,  I discovered a way to format ringtones and wallpapers for... [...]

‘Marketers Ball is back for Ad Tech – Pharcyde performing – RSVP’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Marketers Ball is back for Ad Tech – Pharcyde performing – RSVP”. Schoemaker says, “I just got word there is going to be a Marketers Ball at AdTech.  If you are going to AdTech you are not going to miss it. Here is the information.  Make sure you RSVP before it fills up”. Marketers Ball is back for Ad Tech – Pharcyde performing – RSVP ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Why All Thin Affiliates are Gonna a Slow Death’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Why All Thin Affiliates are Gonna a Slow Death”. Schoemaker says, “Yes ladies and gentleman, if you’re an affiliate marketer who’s in it for the quick buck, your career has either ended, is about to end, or will end near future. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of affiliates and affiliate networks are going belly up. And for a good reason too.. they don’t add much value to anyone’s life. Fundamental truth in life and in business: if you don’t add much value, you are bound to get washed up”. Why All Thin Affiliates are Gonna a Slow... [...]

‘Hotmail and The New Outlook’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Hotmail and The New Outlook”. Schoemaker says, “As I am sure most of you have heard all Hotmail users got a facelift the other day when Microsoft phased out Hotmail forever and upgraded everyone to Outlook. This was of major importance to us around the office considering the PAR Programrelies heavily on how receptive Hotmail was to our emails and not sending them straight to the spam folder. Fortunately for us we haven’t seemed to have any problems with the transition and emails are getting delivered as they were before”. Hotmail... [...]

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