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Monday, March 3, 2025

‘Sustaining a Competitive Advantage is harder then ever’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Sustaining a Competitive Advantage is harder then ever”. Schoemaker says, “Since the 80′s the business world has had its foot on the accelerator and continues shifting gears every decade. With all the introduction of new technologies the Internet, email, smart phones ect.. it is harder than ever to build a lasting sustainable competitive advantage over your competition. A theory Michael Porter came up with in 1985 In order to have a SCA your business has to accomplish several things”. Sustaining a Competitive Advantage is harder then... [...]

‘Businesses Turned Their Competitors Into Their Biggest Advantage’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “You Need a Villain To Be a Superhero. These Businesses Turned Their Competitors Into Their Biggest Advantage. Here’s How”. Schoemaker says, “When a Nationwide fast food franchise announced the grand opening of a new store right across the street from Jerry’s Burger Joint, it wasn’t just Jerry who panicked. Every fast food Freddy in the neighborhood was worried about the big bad wolf eating their lunch. When you’re just a small fry sharing a plate with Mr. McTrump, you have two choices, call it quits, or rise to the occasion. Jerry... [...]

‘Last Day For Free Amazon Selling Content’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Last Day For Free Amazon Selling Content”. Schoemaker says, “About 5 years ago a guy came to my Elite Retreat conference and told me about this business he had buying products wholesale and reselling them on Amazon.  He was making a half million dollars a year. Then a couple years ago I talked to this local guy who helped develop a hundred million dollar a year business selling books on Amazon. Last week I consulted for a guy that took his products out of Walmart, Target, and other stores and now ONLY sells them on his own site and Amazon.... [...]

‘The Amazon Power’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “The Amazon Power”. Schoemaker says, “This is the 2nd video released from these guys who created a monster business from reselling products on Amazon.  I highly recommend checking it out. In this video they go over how to find the products you want to sell,  where to get them super cheap,  and how to make a bundle from it.  Really eye opening great stuff”. The Amazon Power ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘2 guys Six Figure Amazon Deal’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “2 guys Six Figure Amazon Deal”. Schoemaker says, “I first was introduced to these guys by one of the most successful internet marketers on the internet – John Reese. He was telling me about these guys that were crushing it on Amazon doing some tricks. A.D.D. Side Note: Funny thing the biggest buyers and sellers on all of Amazon are located 2 blocks away from our ShoeMoney offices. All they do is buy and sell text books on Amazon. THAT IS IT! AND they do hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue per year. They actually have a patent on it.... [...]

‘How to raise your prices by 300% (almost) overnight’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “How to raise your prices by 300% (almost) overnight”. Schoemaker says, “One of the worst pieces of advice you can ever listen to is: raise your prices if you want to be more profitable. Why? Because it’s grossly incomplete. In this blog post, I want to share specific actionable things you can do to raise your prices by 300% or more (also referred to as being a premium provider). Besides the obvious benefit of being more profitable, charging premium prices also enables you to grow faster and, counter intuitively, attract better clients. From... [...]

‘Giving Customers Results in Advance’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Giving Customers Results in Advance”. Schoemaker says, “Every time your customers come to your site they make a decision. They buy from you or they don’t. With the PAR Program one of the most successful methods we use is called “Results in Advance”, coined first by legendary internet marketer Frank Kern. Let me give you a quick, real life example of how it works: Lets say your selling a product to help guys pickup girls. What single heterosexual guy is not interested in this?”. Giving Customers Results in Advance ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Don’t ever do this’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Don’t ever do this”. Schoemaker says, “Ever heard people tell you to chase after the latest hottest “high paying” niche – And they will tell us how to find them for only $1,995 (or more). They will have tons of sheep RUN to buy these latest products. They tell good stories about why they will work. They get people to envision what this product is going to do for them. But when they get the actual product its junk. Lets be honest, we all know someone who has fallen for this… and its sickening. I have actually spoken at a conference... [...]

‘Shoe In Money Is Live!’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Shoe In Money Is Live!”. Schoemaker says, “Since we created the ShoeMoney System in 2009 ago many people have been asking when I was going to release a new product. As you can imagine since then I have learned a TON and have been taking notes since on what I would do different with a new product. Today I am happy to announce the launch of the Shoe In Money System. I am really proud of this and know it will help a lot of people getting started in creating an online revenue stream”. Shoe In Money Is Live! ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘Passive Income With Kindle Publishing’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Passive Income With Kindle Publishing”. Schoemaker says, “Kindle publishing has been a great way for affiliates to diversify their business. It’s not a magic bullet,  but it can provide consistent, stable income if done correctly. In the forum we’ve been discussing how to approach Kindle publishing from a business perspective and not an affiliate perspective. There’s an important difference! Publishing is one of those things that not many affiliates get right. That’s unfortunate because it has the potential to offer... [...]

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