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Friday, February 28, 2025

How to repair the reputation of local businesses #ad

Local businesses need to work on their reputation. Dissatisfied customers have criticized them all around the web. Some of these businesses know they have a problem; others don’t If you can show them their problem and can correct it for them, you likely will build a good (and simple) business for yourself. Jimmy Reilly has built such a business, and now he is sharing his method for getting eager potential customers to call him, asking for help. This new training is called 48 Hour Client because he has found that following his procedure, you can get all the clients you need in 48 hours after... [...]

The $100k FB Formula: Earn without buying ads #ad

Jimmy Reilly just released this new training. He says that you can avoid expensive Facebook ads and still earn a living on Facebook. The process is simple in concept, and, based on the experience of Katrina Mayors, Reilly’s partner, requires only a couple of hours a day doing “cut and paste” work. They found a way to get lots of fans, keep them interested by pasting fun content into their Facebook page, and then monetize the huge fan base by reviewing relevant products with an affiliate link. That’s the simple concept, but there are plenty of specific optimizations to the... [...]

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