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Monday, September 16, 2024

‘INTENTclick – the targeted content monetization solution’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “INTENTclick – the targeted content monetization solution”. Comm says, “(Guest post by Murray Newlands) INTENTclick turns words in existing content into monetized links freeing you from having to manually add affiliate links yourself. This service saves you time and ensures that your links are always up-to-date and generating income for you. Links are dynamically created as the page is”. INTENTclick – the targeted content monetization solution Joel Comm’s Blog  [...]

‘Where You Can Find Me’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Where You Can Find Me”. Comm says, “How is it possible to be in one place and everywhere at the same time? For us mere mortals, it’s not. However, with social media all of us are more connected than ever before. I frequently get questions from people wanting to know how they can connect with me. I thought it would be useful for me to provide a list of where you can find me”. Where You Can Find Me Joel Comm’s Blog  [...]

‘Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress’ by Joel Comm

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Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress”. Joel says, “You probably run WordPress because you want your site to rank well on Google. That makes you smart — WordPress is GREAT for that”. Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress… Joel Comm’s Blog  [...]

‘Flip This Website by Zac Johnson’ by Joel Comm

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Joel says, “Over the past few weeks I’ve been sharing information about how people are creating and selling websites for a tidy profit”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Flip Your Website’ by Joel Comm

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Joel says, “In a recent blog post I had mentioned that I was both selling of some of my biggest internet properties and at the same time looking to acquire more sites”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘iFart Mobile #12 Most Popular iPhone App in History’ by Joel Comm

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Joel says, “According to an article in Mashable, iFart has been dubbed the #12 most popular iPhone app in a new infographic created by three companies specializing in iOS apps”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘iFart Mobile #12 Most Popular iPhone App in History’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “iFart Mobile #12 Most Popular iPhone App in History”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Get Your Own KaChing Button’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Get Your Own KaChing Button”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

Joel Comm Releases ‘Kaching Button Collection’

Joel Comm has released ‘Kaching Button Collection’. This collection includes a digital and an analog button. [Kaching Button Collection] […]  [...]

‘Is Your Site for Sale?’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Is Your Site for Sale?”. [Joel Comm’s Blog] […]  [...]

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