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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘How To Remove Inactive Yahoo Emails From Your List’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Remove Inactive Yahoo Emails From Your List”. Chow says, “On Monday, July 15, Yahoo will be closing all email accounts that haven’t been logged into in 12 months or longer. Yahoo will then release these addresses for the public to claim. This change will gives you the opportunity to claim a Yahoo email that you always wanted. However, this could also affect some of the addresses on your own email list. Those subscribers who haven’t been active for 12 months won’t be valid after Monday. This can cause all kinda of problems for you. Here’s... [...]

‘How to Increase Sales and Conversions with Video Genesis’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Increase Sales and Conversions with Video Genesis”. Chow says, “Finally, after creating what is being called the best marketing videos ever released in our industry, Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime have opened the doors to Video Genesis in what they call the “Epic Finale” Video. I just saw the video and I agree (If you like “When Harry Met Sally” make sure not to be drinking chocolate milk when you watch the video). It is EPIC and I will be a Video Genesis Customer. In fact, Mike and Andy went on to say recently”. How to Increase... [...]

‘Why Email Marketing Doesn’t Work For You’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Why Email Marketing Doesn’t Work For You”. Chow says, “When Email Marketing Doesn’t Work For You – whose fault is it? Having an email list is great, right? With the way blogging experts are praising email marketing as the best marketing channel, you may assume it’s easy. But what if your subscribers aren’t listening to you? Maybe you’ve tried to please them in your own special way, but nothing seems to be coming out of it”. Why Email Marketing Doesn’t Work For You John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Build a WordPress Affiliate Store in 15 Minutes’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Build a WordPress Affiliate Store in 15 Minutes”. Chow says, “You’ve probably heard John say it before, but it’s a sentiment worth repeating: the best kind of income is passive income. If you can do the work once, but continue to reap the rewards well into the future, then you’ve got yourself a winning formula for achieving the dot com lifestyle. And one way to go about doing that is to build an affiliate store. The problem is that it can sometimes be challenging or incredibly technical to create your own affiliate store, but that doesn’t... [...]

‘The 10 Most Important Things to Know About Email Marketing’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “The 10 Most Important Things to Know About Email Marketing”. Chow says, “The value of email marketing continues to increase as companies realize its true potential for wealth generation. The ability for companies to reach a consumer immediately at their home or job is essential for success in today’s competitive online arena. Here are the top 10 most important things to know before clicking that “send” button on your email marketing campaign”. The 10 Most Important Things to Know About Email Marketing John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘From $50,000/Month To ZERO – The Problem with Affiliate Marketing’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “From $50,000/Month To ZERO – The Problem with Affiliate Marketing”. Chow says, “Most new affiliate marketers getting into the business do what I call hit and run affiliate marketing. It’s the model they’re all familiar with because it’s the one they hear about the most. The hit and run marketing steps goes something like this. Select an affiliate offer to promote Send traffic to the landing page with PPC/PPV/CPM/Solo Mailings/Media Buys/Etc. MAKE MONEY ONLINE!”. From $50,000/Month To ZERO – The Problem with Affiliate Marketing John... [...]

‘The 5 Steps To a $2000 Monthly Income Blogging’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “The 5 Steps To a $2000 Monthly Income Blogging”. Chow says, “Why $2k and not $10k per month? To answer your question, I want you to understand that this blog is not for hype or marketing tricks. John Chow only shares what works for him and how much he makes. When he says he’s making over $40k monthly from his blogging business, I understand and I’m happy for him. But I haven’t even earned $20k in a single month myself – so why should I share the 5 steps to making that amount”.  [...]

‘How Internet Marketing Saved my Business’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How Internet Marketing Saved my Business”. Chow says, “Last week, I introduced you to Wong Kog, the Asian restaurant owner turned Internet marketer. Most of you had a great time watching Wong’s crazy video on how to make money online. You might have assumed that Wong is just a happy go lucky guy based on the first video, and you’ll be right for the most part. However, Wong does have a serious side, and we got see that when we sat down to talk Internet marketing. Wong told the fascinating story of how internet marketing saved his restaurant... [...]

‘The 4-Step Freedom Formula – Home Business Summit’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “The 4-Step Freedom Formula – Home Business Summit”. Chow says, “This is part two of my presentation from the Home Business Summit. In this presentation, I show the 4-step freedom formula. It’s just four simple steps, that when executed correctly, will set you financially free. The four steps are: Capture”.  [...]

‘34 Video Marketing Mistakes and How To Correct Them’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “34 Video Marketing Mistakes and How To Correct Them”. Chow says, “I just finished watching a really awesome video by Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime. These guys are sick of bad videos, so they partnered up to rid the world of bad marketing videos. Andy and Mike claim that most marketers are making at least ten of these 34 mistakes. Do you agree? I didn’t until I saw the “BAD Video” that Andy Jenkins made as an example of what “Most Marketers,” are currently doing wrong in our industry”.  [...]

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