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Saturday, March 1, 2025

‘Guest Blogging- Part 1’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “Guest Blogging- Part 1”. Schoeffel says, “Guest posting opportunities are great in the blog world. It is a sign that your blog is going well. Why? If people are allowing you to post in their blogs, it means that they like your writing style. It also means that they are happy with the information you are providing”. Guest Blogging- Part 1 JP Schoeffel’s Blog  [...]

‘The Psychological Side of SEO!’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “The Psychological Side of SEO!”. Schoeffel says, “Search engine optimization is a tricky thing. Many newbie internet marketers automatically assume that as long as you follow the requirements set by search engines like Google or Bing, you are on the right track? Not true! Why? If nobody is buying your affiliate product from your website or blog”. The Psychological Side of SEO! JP Schoeffel’s Blog  [...]

‘Superb Tips For On-Site SEO’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “Superb Tips for On-Site SEO”. Schoeffel says, “If you think it doesn’t matter how your website is coded then you are dead wrong. In our previous posts we have repeatedly stressed the importance of having good content and keywords but this not enough for your SEO plan. You need to take it one step further by coding your website efficiently so that it becomes easier for search engine’s “spider” to interpret your website. These are the following things you need to do to optimize your website in an on-site manner”. Superb... [...]

‘Beware Of Google Panda’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “Beware of Google Panda”. Schoeffel says, “Google is always looking for new ways to improve it search engine so that visitor’s experience with their search engines become more relevant. On 24th February 2011, it launched a new way of monitoring websites that led to the downfall of many websites and reduced traffic generation for many websites. This new technique of monitoring websites is called “panda update” or “farmer update”. The update was to help detect plagiarized content on websites and increase the ranking of high-quality... [...]

‘Tips to create one-way traffic to your website or blog’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “Tips to create one-way traffic to your website or blog through social media websites”. [JP Schoeffel’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Writing Interesting Content For Your Blog’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “Writing Interesting Content For Your Blog”. [JP Schoeffel’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘The Appeal And Use Of Colors On Websites And Blogs’ by JP Schoeffel

JP Schoeffel’s latest blog post is titled “The Appeal And Use Of Colors On Websites And Blogs”. [JP Schoeffel’s Blog] […]  [...]

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