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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

‘Gain great online visibility with this 30 day plan’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest ‘Power Up for Profits’ blog post is titled “Gain great online visibility with this 30 day plan”. Gage says, “It’s a lot less difficult to gain visibility online than most people realize. Actually, it’s rather simple, but not always easy due to time commitments. Here are a list of actions you can take, that if done consistently will increase your visibility in as little as 30 days. 1. Seek out guest blogging opportunities – 1 – 3 per week. This one action can get you amazing visibility in front of your target market”. Gain great online visibility... [...]

‘Build Your List, Your Visibility and Your Bank Account in Any Market! Why This Business Model Rocks!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest ‘Power Up for Profits’ blog post is titled “Build Your List, Your Visibility and Your Bank Account in Any Market! Why This Business Model Rocks!”. Gage says, “Have you tried different online marketing strategies…but your results keep coming up short? One of the least known, but highest-payback, business models for online success is hosting your own ongoing expert interview series. Maybe you’ve been on a teleseminar or webinar where an expert shares great insights and your knowledge-base benefits as a result”. Build Your List, Your Visibility and... [...]

‘212 The Extra Degree’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “212 The Extra Degree”. Gage says, “Recently I had the number 212 show up in several ways; blog posts, forum postings, articles and even the tag on a blouse I received for Christmas. I couldn’t quite figure out what was going on until I did a bit of detective work”. 212 The Extra Degree Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Search engine optimization is either dead or on life support!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Search engine optimization is either dead or on life support!”. Gage says, “This is the time of year many people talk about making big changes. Whether it be business, health, finances, relationships, or whatever the focus is. Few people take as huge a plunge into change as my friend and colleague, Marnie Pehrson. Have you heard what she’s doing? Marnie Pehrson, the creator of (the longest running article directory) has closed down the site and reopened as IgnitePoint. Why? Because she says article marketing for search engine... [...]

‘Search engine optimization is either dead or on life support!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Search engine optimization is either dead or on life support!”. Gage says, “This is the time of year many people talk about making big changes. Whether it be business, health, finances, relationships, or whatever the focus is. Few people take as huge a plunge into change as my friend and colleague, Marnie Pehrson. Have you heard what she’s doing? Marnie Pehrson, the creator of (the longest running article directory) has closed down the site and reopened as IgnitePoint. Why? Because she says article marketing for search engine... [...]

‘Optimize Your Efforts for SEO and Visibility’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Optimize Your Efforts for SEO and Visibility”. Gage says, “This presentation is to show you how to take one piece of information and re-purpose it into a number of formats to get  a lot of traction online in the shortest period of time with optimal results. There are three main things you want to look at. The topic The locations The efficiency of what you’re doing You must offer something that is of interest to your market in locations where they “hang out.” You start by doing a short presentation into something like Dragon or Windows... [...]

‘The biggest lie about making money online’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The biggest lie about making money online”. Gage says, “One of the greatest misconceptions about making money online is this; the only people making money online are those selling information on how to make money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Truth be told, there is money being made in virtually every industry. The only reason you don’t hear about how MUCH is being made is because there is no reason for someone not teaching people how to make money to be sharing how much they are making”. The biggest lie about making money online Kathleen... [...]

‘Generate More Leads and Build Your List with Your Blog’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Generate More Leads and Build Your List with Your Blog”. Gage says, “Ever wonder why some people seem to get a lot of mileage from their blog while others can’t get any traction at all? One person who really knows how is Denise Wakeman. Denise is one of the earliest adopters of the power of blogs. Founder of The Blog Squad, Denise was a trailblazer with blogs long before most people realized how much power a blog could have in getting their message out”. Generate More Leads and Build Your List with Your Blog Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Build a subscriber list, promote your events, give up the excuses’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Build a subscriber list, promote your events, give up the excuses”. Gage says, “Some days there is more to share than others. Today is a day filled with great news. Build Your Subscriber List Like Never Before List Building Home Study Course 67% off ends Thursday, October 11th at 9 p.m. I’ll get right to the point on this one. The super special list building offer ends soon. Grab yours at the lowest price possible while you still can”. Build a subscriber list, promote your events, give up the excuses Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Leading Experts Share Top Reasons Why They Won’t Promote for Others’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Leading Experts Share Top Reasons Why They Won’t Promote for Others”. Gage says, “Anyone who’s been online for even a short period of time has likely heard how beneficial joint venture (JV) and affiliate partnerships can be. It’s true! With aligned partnerships you can increase your revenues, subscriber list, credibility and market reach. Yet, most men and women who seek out partners get turned down more than they hear the coveted words,“Yes! I would love to promote for you.” There are very good reasons why this is so. It’s not because... [...]

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