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Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘3 Mistakes To Avoid So You Can Make Money with Webinars’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “3 Mistakes To Avoid So You Can Make Money with Webinars”. Gage says, “There are some experts making thousands of dollars with every webinar they host while others are making little, if anything. The following three mistakes must be avoided if you want to be among those generating great revenues and reaching lots of people who need to hear and see your message. 1. Not being targeted in marketing efforts 2. Failing to track conversions 3. Lack of proper follow up”. 3 Mistakes To Avoid So You Can Make Money with Webinars Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘What does it take to make money with webinars?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “What does it take to make money with webinars?”. Gage says, “If there’s one thing I do, and do well, it’s hosting profitable webinars. There is an art and a science to making great money with webinars. Two of my dear friends and colleagues, Jeff Herring and Maritza Parra, have also done incredibly well  hosting profitible webinars. Not long ago I had lunch with Jeff and Maritza in Atlanta during NAMS8. In the hour plus we “broke bread” we talked about how we love teaching our clients how to make lots of money with webinars”. What... [...]

‘Are QR Codes a “must have” for your marketing efforts?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Are QR Codes a “must have” for your marketing efforts?”. Gage says, “I first heard of QR Codes a few months ago. Until recently, I had no idea how great they are to add to my marketing and sales mix. It didn’t take but one experience of using a QR Code for me to understand how great they are for building an opt in list, selling a product or inviting someone to sign up for an event. You can also drive someone to a YouTube video, make a complete eBook available and drive someone to a specific blog post”. Are QR Codes a “must have” for... [...]

‘If marketing were an Olympic sport’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “If marketing were an Olympic sport”. Gage says, “With the Olympics only days from starting the conversations at dinner tables, over coffee, near the water cooler and all over social media is who will get the Gold. It takes an incredible amount of vision, discipline, focus and commitment to participate in the Olympics, let alone take the Gold. One person who knows what it takes to get to the Olympics is my friend, Daphne Bousquet”. If marketing were an Olympic sport Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Over one billion Facebook posts per day!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Over one billion Facebook posts per day!”. Gage says, “Over one billion Facebook posts per day! Whoa! When I read this statistic I was floored. This is only one of 100 statistics I found incredibly revealing. Check out the others at The Social Skinny. If you’re not in the game of social media, you need to be. No matter what industry, what size company, what market or what your products or service you offer, chances are social media will help you to achieve your overall business goals faster”. Over one billion Facebook posts per day! Kathleen... [...]

‘Is your business in a vacuum? NAMS will cure this’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Is your business in a vacuum? NAMS will cure this”. Gage says, “In the years I’ve been in business I’ve seen lots of ups and downs in the economy, recreated myself more than once, gone from traditional methods of marketing to using strategies that years ago were not on most people’s radar, built a client base of men and women around the globe. A big shift came when I discovered how incredible the Internet is to build a business. I was hooked from the start”. Is your business in a vacuum? NAMS will cure this Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Select the Right Live Events’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “How to Select the Right Live Events….and Spot the Ones to Avoid Like the Measles”. Gage says, “As Authors and Entrepreneurs, you’ll have many opportunities and invitations to live workshops, seminars, and conferences. Done right, attending live events can create an upsurge in your business and renewed passion for your work. Unfortunately, some live events can create the opposite effect, costing you too much money, energy, and time”. How to Select the Right Live Events….and Spot the Ones to Avoid Like the Measles Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Endorsements are useless!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Endorsements are useless!”. Gage says, “If you’re like me you love when a client sends you a testimonial for a job well done. Not only do testimonials influence buying decisions, it feels great to be acknowledged in this way. However, lots of testimonials and endorsements are useless and bogus”. Endorsements are useless! Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Create Your Own Independence Day the Online Way!’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Create Your Own Independence Day the Online Way!”. Gage says, “For the last few days I’ve been in Chicago at the Internet Prophets conference. Some of the top names in the industry shared insights on how to use all that’s available to each and every one of us to grow our businesses. Besides sharing the stage with incredible experts like Dan Hollings, the man behind the incredible online promotions of The Secret; Janet Bray Atwood, creator of The Passion Test”. Create Your Own Independence Day the Online Way! Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Are you REALLY giving your all?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Are you REALLY giving your all?”. Gage says, “For the last few days I’ve been in Chicago at the Internet Prophets conference. Some of the top names in the industry shared insights on how to use all that’s available to each and every one of us to grow our businesses. Besides sharing the stage with incredible experts like Dan Hollings, the man behind the incredible online promotions of The Secret; Janet Bray Atwood, creator of The Passion Test”. Are you REALLY giving your all? Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

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