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Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘The biggest mistake I’ve made with product creation’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The biggest mistake I’ve made with product creation”. Gage says, “Many years ago I was like a lot of people; I knew creating products would be a great idea, but didn’t do much about it. I dabbled at a few products here and there; mostly cassette tapes and booklets. Each made me a little bit of money, but it was nothing to write home about. After all, I was making money from corporate training and a contract with a seminar company. I was “too busy” to be bothered with more work”. The biggest mistake I’ve made with... [...]

‘Current Trends in the Digital Publishing World’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Current Trends in the Digital Publishing World”. Gage says, “Hi, my name is D’vorah Lansky and I am excited to share this blog post, on the topic of Digital Publishing, with you. I’d like to thank Kathleen for hosting me during this virtual tour, in honor of Digital Publishing Virtual Summit, where we feature 20 world-renowned book marketing experts. Today I’ll be talking about current trends in the Digital Publishing world. Even authors who have a print version of their book will benefit greatly by also having their book... [...]

‘Will these online trends impact you?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Will these online trends impact you?”. Gage says, “In  recent conversations with several colleagues I have noticed some important trends. There are misconceptions about what is happening and this short video is intended to clear things up”. Will these online trends impact you? Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘The downside of product creation’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The downside of product creation”. Gage says, “Recently, someone posted on my FB event wall that money isn’t important; serving his market, donating to causes and impacting others is what drives him. Most of the entrepreneurs I know feel the same way. I know I do. And yet, without money in your business it’s more difficult to serve at the highest level. More and more entrepreneurs are coming from a very conscious place in how they run their businesses. It’s about honesty, integrity, the desire to serve, giving the best we... [...]

‘Remarkably Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety in Your Business’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Remarkably Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety in Your Business”. Gage says, “Do you often feel like you’re going to lose your mind if you continue to work in such astressful workplace – especially when this so-called stressful workplace is your own home-based office? We, business owners, all experience stress and anxiety “on the job.” It is not unique to anyone, but what is unique to each of us, though, is how we deal with it”. Remarkably Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety in Your Business Kathleen... [...]

‘Do you have The Freedom Lifestyle?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Do you have The Freedom Lifestyle?”. Gage says, “A few years ago my life and my business were humming along just fine. I was making a great six figure income, moved to a rural community I love, enjoyed a very comfortable lifestyle and saw no end to this in site. Life was good, but that was about to change in ways I never anticipated. First, while training to power walk in a marathon I broke my ankle. Amazingly, even though I was in physical pain my business never suffered”. Do you have The Freedom Lifestyle? Kathleen Gage’s... [...]

‘Are you visible to your market?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Are you visible to your market?”. Gage says, “When I first began my business in 1994 I intuitively knew visibility in my market was essential to growing my business. This is true for everyone. The more visible you are the better. However, it’s important to be focused on how we gain visibility as well as to whom. You can become visible in a number of ways; interviews, articles, writing books, public appearances and joint venture partnerships to name a few ways”. Are you visible to your market? Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘The #1 Reason Why Most Businesses Fail’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The #1 Reason Why Most Businesses Fail”. Gage says, “Even today, in 2012, when everyone knows about the power of the internet and mobile, few companies truly leverage its power. To tell you how much impact the Internet has on our daily lives, while I was in Hawaii last week, locals in remote areas were talking about Facebooking others. At the airport, young and old alike were emailing, using IPads, tweeting and watching videos on YouTube. I saw two gentlemen in their 80′s going through security and showing the gate agent their... [...]

‘The Truth about Building An Opt In Subscriber List’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The Truth about Building An Opt In Subscriber List”. Gage says, ““I don’t have a list! What do I do?” I have been asked this question countless times. My answer is always the same; start right where you are. I’ve been making my living (and a great one at that) on the Internet for many years now. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I made no money at all online”. The Truth about Building An Opt In Subscriber List Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Why You Might Not Be Making Money Online and What to do About It’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Why You Might Not Be Making Money Online and What to do About It”. Gage says, “Why is it some people are incredibly successful at utilizing the power of the Internet in their marketing while others can’t seem to figure out the winning formula? How often do entrepreneurs and salespeople look for that next magic formula to build their business and increase revenues, never quite making any of it work? Many people make it much more difficult to succeed than it need be, while others know exactly what to do… and they do it”. Why... [...]

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