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Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘Discover One Way To Use Blogs To Market And Sell More Books’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “EDiscover one way to use blogs to market and sell more books”. Gage says, “Those who make great money online are those who continually seek opportunities to position their expertise. An excellent way to do this is with blog tours and guest blogging. What is a blog tour? Blog tours became popular by authors who were seeking a more cost effective way to get the word out about a book. In days past a book tour for an author consisted of going from location to location to do readings, signings and hopefully sell a few books”. Discover... [...]

‘5 Strategies to Get Interviewed as an Expert on the Radio’ Kathleen Gage’s Blog

Dr. Vrunda Davé’s guest article on Kathleen Gage’s blog is titled “5 Strategies to Get Interviewed as an Expert on the Radio”. Dr. Davé says, “Are you perceived as an expert in your field? When your clients think about the problems they need help with, are you the go-to expert, the clear solution to their most pressing issues? If you’re not, then you need to start positioning yourself in the marketplace as the expert that you are. There is no better way to be seen as an expert and to get your mission out in a big way and reach more people than through the media”. 5... [...]

‘Edutainment Marketing’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Edutainment marketing – a must do in today’s noisy environment”. Gage says, “Due to over stimulation from the Internet most people’s attention span is shorter than ever. Grabbing and keeping the interest of your market can be a great challenge in today’s noise infested environment. How do you get through all the noise and clutter when it comes to marketing online? Edutainment marketing. You read correctly – edutainment. This simply means you combine education with entertainment”. Edutainment marketing – a must... [...]

‘The #1 Reason Only A Handful Of Online Businesses Will Succeed’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “The #1 reason only a handful of online businesses will succeed”. Gage says, “Are you finding that your time is getting filled with things that aren’t moving you forward in your business?  Do you often attract people who want you to work on their projects, but you’re not sure that those projects are an ideal fit? If so, the Vacuum Law could be working against you”. The #1 reason only a handful of online businesses will succeed Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Is the Vacuum Law Working Against You?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Is the Vacuum Law Working Against You?”. Gage says, “Are you finding that your time is getting filled with things that aren’t moving you forward in your business?  Do you often attract people who want you to work on their projects, but you’re not sure that those projects are an ideal fit? If so, the Vacuum Law could be working against you”. Is the Vacuum Law Working Against You? Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Lisa Orrell, , Author of Boomers in Business – Interviewed by Kathleen Gage’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Lisa Orrell, , Author of Boomers in Business – Interviewed by Kathleen Gage”. Gage says, “Lisa Orrell, The Promote U Guru, is an award-winning Branding and Marketing Expert, Certified Success Coach, Speaker and Author, who has just released her third book, Boomers into Business: How Anyone Over 50 Can Turn What They Know into Dough Before and After Retirement Boomers into Business: How Anyone Over 50 Can Turn What They Know into Dough Before and After Retirement” (Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing, Inc.)”. Lisa Orrell, , Author... [...]

‘Why The Chimney Sweep Is Struggling’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Why the chimney sweep is struggling and what this has to do with your business”. Gage says, “It’s amazing how many solopreneurs will repeatedly say how slow the economy is and yet not look at their part as to why they may not have as much business as they would like. Case in point: There are two services I need that make my life easier and safer. One is the service of delivery of firewood for the winter”. Why the chimney sweep is struggling and what this has to do with your business Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘How’s Your Back-end?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “How’s your back-end?”. Gage says, “One of my favorite shows is – America’s Got Talent. I really enjoy watching raw talent come up from the ranks. There’s great talent and there’s… well, let’s just say, less than great. Week after week acts are eliminated until one stands victorious as the winner. The mere fact that a singer, dancer, magician, or any act makes it to the top ten is against the odds”. How’s your back-end? Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Are You Really Holding Yourself Accountable For Your Success?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Are you really holding yourself accountable for your success?”. Gage says, “I returned home yesterday after 4 days of intensive training at Experts Academy with Brendon Burchard. By intensive I’m talking 12 – 14 hours of non-stop learning, networking, and brainstorming for three of the four days. The final day was only 8 hours and it literally flew by. For over 9 hours I drove from San Jose, California to Oregon. I love a long drive after an intense learning experience. I have time to assimilate what I experienced”. Are... [...]

‘Does The 99 Cent Kindle Version eBook Selling Strategy Work?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Does the 99 Cent Kindle version eBook Selling Strategy work?”. Gage says, “The jury is still out for lots of authors as to whether or not the 99 cent selling strategy for a Kindle version book works. I, for one, plan to find out. And I plan to find out within the next 48 hours. I am a members of several author forums and groups both in LinkedIn and elsewhere. When information surfaced about Amanda Hocking, an avid writer for many of her young 26 years making millions from selling her 99 cent ebooks there were those who cheered... [...]

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