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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘Do You Always See Your Marketing Mistakes?’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Do You Always See Your Marketing Mistakes?”. Nadreau says, “Marketing mistakes come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they’re obvious and easily fixed. Other times they can leave you scratching your head for weeks or even months. You know something’s wrong, but you just can’t see why you’re not getting a lot of buyers. Then of course, there’s those mistakes that should be obvious, but because you’ve invested so much time and energy into putting all the pieces together”. Do You Always See Your Marketing Mistakes? Ken Nadreau’s... [...]

‘Marketing Nehru Jackets’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Marketing Nehru Jackets”. Nadreau says, “If you’re not familiar with Nehru jackets at all, they were quite fashionable dress coats back in the late 60s. Long cut, usually tapered, no lapels, a mandarin collar, and very avant garde. But above all else, they were just a fad. I bought a nice black one back then, because all my friends were wearing Nehru jackets, and I wasn’t about to be the only one without one”. Marketing Nehru Jackets Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘Targeting A Market Before You Target It’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Targeting A Market Before You Target It”. Nadreau says, “We always talk about targeting a market in the sense of advertising and promotions. But in reality, your targeting efforts should start well before you’re ready to tell people about what you’ve come up with. Most of what we’re told about targeting a market and market research has to do with finding the people who’d want your product, and then focusing your advertising on them”. Targeting A Market Before You Target It Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’... [...]

‘The Great Content Challenge’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “The Great Content Challenge”. Nadreau says, “What’s the great content challenge you ask? Well, it could mean different things for different people. But, as a blogger and marketer, the great content challenge is when I know it’s time to post an article, yet I’m inspired to write elsewhere. Content is a big thing. It’s the Internet talking back to itself in a huge global share of information, education, and entertainment”. The Great Content Challenge Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘A Healthy Amount Of Skepticism’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “A Healthy Amount Of Skepticism”. Nadreau says, “Anyone getting into online marketing should always proceed with ahealthy amount of skepticism. A little doubt can take you a long way if you know how to use it. Not everyone is out to get you, but neither are they all out to help you. The problem is it’s not always easy to tell the difference”. A Healthy Amount Of Skepticism Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘When Does Marketing Competition Get Nasty?’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “When Does Marketing Competition Get Nasty?”. Nadreau says, “When does marketing competition get nasty? When it goes from doing everything to out-market your competitors, to actively taking steps to destroy them. Marketing competition is healthy. It forces us to strive to do better, make better products, improve our message communication and reach, increase customer services, and so much more”. When Does Marketing Competition Get Nasty? Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘Knowing Markets Are People’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Knowing Markets Are People”. Nadreau says, “Knowing markets are people should dynamically redress the way you connect with them. After all, you’re a “people” too. So how do you like to be communicated with? We tend to minimize the people element in markets by referring to them as “interest groups,” “targets,” “buyers,” or yes, even “markets.” But the fact remains, they are all just like you and me”. Knowing Markets Are People Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘The Customer Emotion Factor’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “The Customer Emotion Factor”. Nadreau says, “You can talk until you’re blue in the face, but if you’ve hit the wrongcustomer emotion with someone, no amount of promotion or persuasion will make a sale with that person ever again. I’m talking about being offensive. And not so much about offending someone’s better judgment with hype, but actually upsetting a customer with the way you’ve handled them”. The Customer Emotion Factor Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘Is Cash Flow Really The Problem?’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Is Cash Flow Really The Problem?”. Nadreau says, “Is a lack of cash flow really the primary reason why businesses run into trouble? It seems a lot of my readers think so. But I beg to differ. In my younger years, I managed to take fifty dollars worth of supplies and turn it into a $100K a year residential/commercial painting business”. Is Cash Flow Really The Problem? Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

‘Why A Good Business Model Fails’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Why A Good Business Model Fails”. Nadreau says, “So you brainstorm and come up with a really good business model for yourself. You envision the potential, see your market going crazy over it, and figure this will set you on a profitable course for a long time. I have to tell you, there’s nothing like having one of those epiphanies, especially when the concept behind the business model fills a specific gap in what’s already available as far as products and services are concerned”. Why A Good Business Model Fails Ken Nadreau’s... [...]

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