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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Now With Private Label Right – IM Checklist Affiliate Marketing #ad

We have been telling you about the IM Checklists Kevin Fahey has created, beginning last December. His fourth list, IM Checklist: Affiliate Marketing launches today. As you can see, this fourth checklist collection is all about affiliate marketing, and it is completely different from the other three checklist collections. As you know, affiliate marketing can be a lucrative business if you do it well. Fahey has been in the business for a long time and has learned the ins and outs of the whole process. His specialty is information marketing, but most of his training and checklists will be helpful... [...]

New IM Checklist from Kevin Fahey: Social Media #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his third checklist for internet marketing: IM Checklist, Volume 3: Social Media. Your customers and people who are potential customers use Social Media. If you want to meet them and offer them your products and services, you need to be doing so using the social media they use. Fahey learned this lesson several years ago and has been using social media as one of the pillars for his business. He is now sharing the tools and techniques that he has found to be successful in this new training. IM Checklist, Volume 3: Social Media includes all the checklists, worksheets,... [...]

IM Checklist, Vol 2, Setting up your Email Marketing #ad

Now that the new year is underway, we marketers need to improve our game. Customers are expecting more and better content from us. Kevin Fahey has just released a new Internet Marketing Checklist, the second in his series, to help us in this task. You will probably recall that Volume 1 was all about how to create and launch a new product. It contained 18 checklists for all the things you need to do to bring an information or software croduct to market. If you missed volume 1, you can get your copy here: IM Checklist, Volume 1. IM NewsWatch intends to launch a collection of products in the future,... [...]

IM Checklist: Successful online marketing system for you #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his latest aid for online marketers., his IM Checklist. This new guide to successful online business includes 18 Printable PDFs, Spreadsheets and Online Forms that will give you a system for many aspects of your online marketing. That’s important because “Success is in the System.” Having a way to handle each aspect of your business is the key for moving forward. It needs to be a proven way, and you need to follow it consistently every time the related situation occurs. IM Checklist includes 18 Printable PDFs, Spreadsheets and Online Forms. Specifically,... [...]

Master trainer, Kevin Fahey, opens online marketing coaching program #ad

Over the past few days we have told you about the free training Kevin Fahey is making available. Today, Kevin Fahey has posted his fourth training video here: Kevin Fahey’s Free Training. And at 10 AM EDT, he will open the doors for his newest complete training series in online marketing. His training has been creating success stories in the online product creation and online consulting arenas for years. Many of his past students have broken free from their 9 to 5 jobs and have turned themselves into 6 figure marketers by following his training. In the latest update to his course, he has... [...]

Kevin Fahey’s new training in internet marketing #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his latest free training video, in which he shares his tips for successful online marketing. He released two other videos in this training series last week. You can see them all here: Kevin Fahey’s Free Training. He usually doesn’t keep his free training available to the public for long. In this series of videos, Kevin is explaining everything that is required to have a successful online business launch and then take your business 6 figures. He says it can be done in just 10 weeks. If you don’t know him he says that he has created more success stories... [...]

Kevin Fahey’s Online Marketing Training (free) #ad

Kevin Fahey just posted two useful training videos for people who are beginners in internet marketing. Fahey has been training marketers for several years. Each year he updates his training with new and revised information so that he keeps up with trends online. He has posted two videos (and a third is coming) here: Kevin Fahey’s Free Training. They will help you gain clarity about what is needed to build a profitable online business. Fahey will soon start a new 3 month training series for any aspiring online entrepreneurs who want to understand internet marketing better. These first 3... [...]

Build a consistent online income #ad

Do you consistently make sales online? If not, Kevin Fahey may be able to help. Fahey is one of the well-known trainers of small business entrepreneurs who are building an online business. He has just released new online marketing training he calls Consistent Sales System. There are two major ways by which beginners can earn a living online: • Selling affiliate products • Launching your own products and getting affiliates to help you sell them However the problem with doing these things are: -They are a lot of work -You rely heavily on the efforts of others to become successful in your business Most... [...]

IM Video Ads: Kevin Fahey says they can offer $0.001 per lead #ad

If you want to build you audience for pennies, Kevin Fahey is offering training in how to become an effective advertiser on YouTube and Facebook. Fahey says he and his students have bought 1,000 Views For $1.00. And in this new training, he wants to show you how he did it. Ads creating traffic for your site start the process of collecting leads; the more traffic, the more people sign up and become leads. That’s why cost of traffic is important. With traffic this cheap, you can buy a lot more traffic and gather more leads. Kevin Fahey has driven a lot of traffic to his websites. Since 2007,... [...]

IM Video Masters: Your guide to creating professional videos #ad

If you haven’t built up your online video capability, Kevin Fahey has a guide to the whole video marketing process that will show you how to do it like the experts. Here’s what the IM Video Masters course can do for you. • Show you how to create stunning videos, even if you have never made a video in your whole life. • Show you the simple steps required to edit your videos like a professional ( you can do them even if you don’t yet have experience or the tools for editing.) • Show you how to publish your videos with confidence that what you created is something that people will... [...]

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